Dear Family!/photos.php?id=790062963
If you would like to see some photos of Iceland go to this site on My friend Sophia took some great photos that you can see.
Dalvik, Iceland
Reykjavik, Iceland
Stykkisholmur, Iceland
These are the three places to take a look at when you get here.
Iceland is a great place, my heart breaks and rejoices over the land. God will move in unknown ways as life goes on. I met many great folks but only few were ready to truly accept Christ as the savior of their lives. The few that made that change had a real turn around but they could turn back around and God will protect them from any evil that may come to pull them away from Gods heart.
It was a lot of hard work but worth it for God. I met Him everyday and He was the best part of the trip, sharing His love with me on this trip. Before the trip I finished this book call "Christ the Sum of all Spiritual things" by Watchman Nee. This book took me back to the foundations of faith, hope, and love which is Christ. I was convicted of asking God for things, characteristics that I lack, talents that I lack, asking Him for such crap. Then He encouraged me to read this book so I did, as I read it I began to come back to Him, to Jesus as a person more then a provider of things. On this trip I was filled with jealousy and envy but Christ kept showing up as I spoke to Him, He spoke back to me encouragements to keep going and fighting for unity in the team, for the people He wants me to speak to. He was my most encouraging friend on this trip to Iceland.
How I knew God was using me and watching out for me was by faith that He would not shun me from His presence. I desired to turn from my wicked ways so I let the Holy Spirit fight to end these thoughts and desires in my heart. I gave up on trying to be the best, the most "holy", and live as Jordan-a simple man whom knows jack about life but is willing to walk with Jesus.
I did not share much of this with a friend that I was talking to but he noticed my struggle. With knowing these things about me he said this to me
"A friend of mine use to say 'I love Jesus' then my friend went through a hard time and stopped saying 'I love Jesus'. I asked him why he stopped saying that, he then said 'because I do hurtful things and when I do hurtful things its not loving Jesus so now I say, Jesus loves me.'
1 john is one of my favorite letters in the New Testament. In this book it talks about love and how love is that God first loved us (to the point of death). The gospel of Jesus is becoming clearer and clearer as I was with Jesus. I am realizing I have less to give to people as Jordan and more to give to people as Jordan a guy whom knows jack about life but is willing to walk with Jesus. Jesus is all that can be good to give to another person whether it be through tongue, works, thought, time, touch, make sure you give them Jesus.
Yup this is my internal thoughts, realizations, and break downs. God is awesome and walks with sinners that are made saints by His love and affections.
There are a few cool stories I have about Iceland.
1: On one of the last 3 days of our reach, I was talking with a friend but I knew that wasn't where I belonged. Suddenly a man was walking behind me and the Holy Spirit spoke to me to go talk to him, I thought no this guy looks shady. This man is a homeless guy with a gash wound on his noise and forehead, it was clear he was not doing well. I then followed Gods movement, walked up to him and asked this man how he was doing. His response was not surprising "Terrible". I asked him if I could pray for him, he accepted it, I closed my eyes, prayed, opened my eyes looked up to make eye contact, and he is crying. I asked him again how is he doing, he said this to me. "I walk around these streets no one looks at me, talks to me, people make away around me so they don't need to be near me. But you walked up to me and talked to me, you cared for me." I was grate full to talk with him and share Gods love with him. I stood with him and talked to him for a while, it was clear he was lonely, as I talked with him I told him about Gods love. It was cool and I am sure he is still talking with God. I was shamed and God was glorified, it was cool.
2: I was talking with some teens who are great skaters. I told them about Gods voice and how he shares things with me, talks to me, even talks to me when he wants something said to another person. They were amazed that God could talk to us present day and wanted to know this God so I told them about knowing God through Jesus. They accepted Christ to have this relationship with God. After I did not want to leave them with out having someone else pray with them to hear Gods voice so I got one of the head leaders on the team to explain it hearing Gods voice in another way and pray for them. These guys were genuine and hopefully still going for Gods presence.
I am trusting God with these people, we directed them to people who have a relationship with God and are seeking Him daily. It was a great trip over all! Iceland is beautiful so take a look at the photos on facebook. I am still learning how to follow Jesus, not perfect just forgiven, you know.
Thank you for reading.
Thank you Jesus for allowing me to go to Iceland, see you move in the heart of Icelanders, in the J.G. team hearts, in my heart. God you are a caring God. Thank you for being great and still desiring us to be in your presence after all that we have done to you, to your name, thank you for not giving up on us. You are love and lovely.Thank you Jesus, let continue our day together.