Tuesday, March 9, 2010

News Letter because I went green for a moment.

Dear Family
At this moment I am going green and not using paper for a news letter. Please for give me for the inconvenience if it is for you.

Update: Things are the same at them moment with YWAM. We are getting ready for our tour down the east coast. Please pray for our unity, impact lives with the Love of God, and protection.

I would like not to write about YWAM at this moment but about my life before and the things that influenced me to be who I am today.I would like you to know me better and not just support me. SO HERE WE GO, memory lane!

My Fathers Influence:
Through the years I was growing up, some nights out of the month my Dad would sit beside my brothers and I at night massaging the temples on our heads and praying for each of us individually. Asking God to protect us, keep us on a good path and all that jazz.

I think his prayers have been and are still being answered in my life. In my present life these memories help me, while I am in bed beginning to fall asleep I think of these moments to silence my thoughts. At moments I even massage my brothers and pray for them here in Boston (may sound strange but its not).

I know that my prayers have been influenced by my Dads prayers and seeking the presence of God.

Mamas' Mercy:
One day I stole 20$ from my Grandma. My Grandma realize 20 dollars were missing, she then asked my Mom about it, my Mom then asked my brothers and I about it, she quickly picked up on it being me who stole the 20$. She slapped me, gave the 20$ back to Grandmother and that Sunday morning we went to breakfast. Oh I was embarrassed and feeling sorry for myself at that breakfast table.

My brothers noticed a blanket sell across the street and we went to check it out. Mama told the three of us we each could get a blanket for ourselves. I refused mine, she asked why? I told her I don't deserve it after stealing, she then told me "Jordan don't be silly, get a blanket, I love you". I almost cried because I wanted the blanket, also because of my mothers mercy.

Presently I feel like I can have a lot of mercy on others because of many many moments like this in my life. Its good, very Christ like.

Okay, I am done telling stories for now.

Thank you for reading and supporting me. Above all thank you for being my friends and family! I love you all.

(Sorry for the grammar, I am not very good at it)

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