Friday, June 18, 2010

Dear Family,

Presently, I am sick.

These last few days I have been learning dances for J.G. I am working on wordless books and other small thing for J.G.

Just this last Wednesday I went out to talk with people, pray for them, and tell them about Jesus' radical love. It was awesome! I was alone so sharing, praying for people felt more natural.

I just recently gave a lot of my DVDs to the library, I have been asking if these movies I have would benefit more in a public place then in my house and I decided-yes, it would benefit more people.

I am room mates with a guy named Matthew, he is not much like me in many ways which annoys me. I am grate full to be living with him because life is not about living for your self but for others, this moment in life is a opportunity for God to be glorified by a friendship built on Him.

Aaron Cip and I cooked cookies for our neighbors to build relationships with them. I am excited to get to know them and hopefully be good neighbors with them.

I am praying for J.G.

I am praying for my heart because I am realizing my sin in new ways that aren't pleasing to God. My lack of mercy on people, my jealousy of what others have and I have not, my lack of involvement in peoples lives which is my laziness.

All these things are changing because of the Love of God, I think Jesus has given me a social gift. When i do not flow in it I become a unhappy person. I am a sinner so do not be surprise when I write about junk in my life. By the grace of God we are called and saved, thank God because I am unworthy to be a missionary yet worthy because of Gods kindness. He is awesome.

Things I am rejoicing about, Aaron Reeves is investing in his musical talents. Lucas is my great friend in boston. Cornerstone is my home church! My roommate is Matthew, Joe is Joe. Showbread has gotten their goal for finances, YWAM Boston just got a new camera! We have Koreans on our team. The dance team has good moves for our hip hop dance. We just had a amazing team from N.H. come and evangelize with us.

Good things are happening amongst us. I am grate full for these things.

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