Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Quotes of my life...for the moment

Quotes from Making Sense Out of Suffering by Peter Kreeft,

"I get very mad at God sometimes....This is a pretty well-kept secret, especially among evangelicals and fundamentalists. I confess it not to cause scandal or to help the cause of unbelief but simply because it is true, and I believe that we always need truth just as we always need love, because those are two of the attributes of God." pg 12-13

" Still another secret, less well-kept, is that we have the same moral problem everyone else has, with a better track record only in some areas like drug addiction, murder, and suicide. But there are almost as many gluttons, gossips, adulterers, and misers among us as among anyone else, and as for the two worst sins of all, pride and hypocrisy, we set the world's record." pg 13

"The Bible the most honest book in the world, paints a terrible picture of the moral and spiritual failures of God's chosen people,the Jews, throughout their history; and Christians are their successors." pg14

"We doubt. Doubt is glorious. Only one who can doubt can believe, just as only one who can despair can hope, and only one who can hate can love." pg16

Let philosophers today pray, let philosophers shut up and let God show up, and we will soon see a new philosophy to startle the world." pg 23

I am not so crazy after all, just another human being with a heavy heart.

Good day you all,

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