Dear Family,
I am really tired, I haven't been sleeping because of being busy.
This week at Harvard, Campus america came together for the first time in a long time to pray on campus for Harvard and colleges in america. It was awesome to be there and see people come together to put attention on God.
Encounter might be going to Harvard to be preformed. Be praying and hope for God to move.
I am unable to do art recently to music but rather I HAVE to do art to listening to the Bible.
I have to go.
Thank you for reading!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Dear Family
Here is some art that I have finished and one art piece is still being worked on which is the one with the black rocks.

A lantern light, this shines brightly for me to see in my room and read. I made two of these lantern lights. Bought a few pieces for the light to work and scrapped off the paint that was on the lantern.

Yep, sin is every where. we are stuck. This art piece I did over New Years, it has a thick cover of acrylic paint.

Paint brush holder! I made this on my own with old jeans and string. My friend Katie taught me how to sow, with this amazing talent now I sow!


This one is not finished yet! Soon hopefully! It is inspired by Mathew and has a theme about Mercy and seeking Gods treasure. I will write more about it later.
Enjoy this little bit of art and yeah I love you all.
I am praying for you all. That your art, music, typing on computers, acting, travels, studying (school work) is blessed by God and is a blessing to God.
I love, love, love U!
Here is some art that I have finished and one art piece is still being worked on which is the one with the black rocks.

A lantern light, this shines brightly for me to see in my room and read. I made two of these lantern lights. Bought a few pieces for the light to work and scrapped off the paint that was on the lantern.

Yep, sin is every where. we are stuck. This art piece I did over New Years, it has a thick cover of acrylic paint.
Paint brush holder! I made this on my own with old jeans and string. My friend Katie taught me how to sow, with this amazing talent now I sow!
This one is not finished yet! Soon hopefully! It is inspired by Mathew and has a theme about Mercy and seeking Gods treasure. I will write more about it later.
Enjoy this little bit of art and yeah I love you all.
I am praying for you all. That your art, music, typing on computers, acting, travels, studying (school work) is blessed by God and is a blessing to God.
I love, love, love U!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Dear Family,
I am thinking about the term "good" and when I respond what "good" entails because when I response to "how are you?" I respond "good" then go into what I am doing but what I am doing is not who I am or thinking/feeling inside, so how can I expound one the word "good"? what do I mean when I say "good"? The definition to "Good" is cheerful; optimistic; amiable: in good spirits. This is what I mean when I say good from now on. I am glad I got that out of my brain for you to read.
Today was a radical day, very difficult but over all benefiting. I was tested today and I see my growth. Today we preformed Encounter in front of a Christian School in N.H. and well setting up things were missing, a friend and I were working on putting up some very difficult screens.
I am quiet a lot of the time, sometimes being quiet might make a person seem unsure of thing, nervous or dumb. With that, from my experience of being a quiet person, people in-charge seem to over look you, think your incapable of directing others, strict and firm all that that is in a "leader/director".
I felt and feel like that a lot of the time when we are going some where or doing something, men that have a different personality then I take charge and over look me with an idea that I do not know what is going on. I get annoyed and start wishing I was some one that could help, be of use. Having a relational personality, when I see people gather together, work together, have relationship I get kinda jealous because I would like to have a connection with others in that same meaningful way. (I know, I am probably lame, my mind works this way)
Anyway, today when all the usual procedures happened and I felt useless I began to think "Jordan, this is not about you this is about the glory of God and at the end of it all this will be over looked so focus. Move on."
I am excited and grate full to be in a place of less self-pity, insecurity, and all that stuff that stops me from going on with my day. I had to fight to look past myself, live in mercy, forgiveness, WAS NOT EASY but I FOUGHT.
I want you to know a human being can change. The definition of humanity can be redefined by God. Once a humanity is touched/moved by God then its unknown to where we will be headed or what our lives entail but at least we are moving towards God.
Thank you for reading.
My love for you is true!
I am thinking about the term "good" and when I respond what "good" entails because when I response to "how are you?" I respond "good" then go into what I am doing but what I am doing is not who I am or thinking/feeling inside, so how can I expound one the word "good"? what do I mean when I say "good"? The definition to "Good" is cheerful; optimistic; amiable: in good spirits. This is what I mean when I say good from now on. I am glad I got that out of my brain for you to read.
Today was a radical day, very difficult but over all benefiting. I was tested today and I see my growth. Today we preformed Encounter in front of a Christian School in N.H. and well setting up things were missing, a friend and I were working on putting up some very difficult screens.
I am quiet a lot of the time, sometimes being quiet might make a person seem unsure of thing, nervous or dumb. With that, from my experience of being a quiet person, people in-charge seem to over look you, think your incapable of directing others, strict and firm all that that is in a "leader/director".
I felt and feel like that a lot of the time when we are going some where or doing something, men that have a different personality then I take charge and over look me with an idea that I do not know what is going on. I get annoyed and start wishing I was some one that could help, be of use. Having a relational personality, when I see people gather together, work together, have relationship I get kinda jealous because I would like to have a connection with others in that same meaningful way. (I know, I am probably lame, my mind works this way)
Anyway, today when all the usual procedures happened and I felt useless I began to think "Jordan, this is not about you this is about the glory of God and at the end of it all this will be over looked so focus. Move on."
I am excited and grate full to be in a place of less self-pity, insecurity, and all that stuff that stops me from going on with my day. I had to fight to look past myself, live in mercy, forgiveness, WAS NOT EASY but I FOUGHT.
I want you to know a human being can change. The definition of humanity can be redefined by God. Once a humanity is touched/moved by God then its unknown to where we will be headed or what our lives entail but at least we are moving towards God.
Thank you for reading.
My love for you is true!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
My Dearest Family,
I have plenty of good news!
A great friend (Aaron Reeves) is back in Boston. He left for a financial recovery, running into all kinds of friends to ask for donations. He came back with a very encouraged heart and a few new supports and still some that ponder to help him. Please pray for my buddy.
I am currently learning guitar and its coming out very well. I know about 10 chords and learning a strum pattern that is basic enough to go into all strums. I am so excited, for some odd reason when I play I just get really excited and eager to keep learning so I can play songs for people I love. I cant wait to see my Dad and play with him guitar!
I am still painting a big image that takes a lot of dedication..... please pray it gets done.
Yep, today was a great day for many reasons.
Be encouraged God is moving!
I have plenty of good news!
A great friend (Aaron Reeves) is back in Boston. He left for a financial recovery, running into all kinds of friends to ask for donations. He came back with a very encouraged heart and a few new supports and still some that ponder to help him. Please pray for my buddy.
I am currently learning guitar and its coming out very well. I know about 10 chords and learning a strum pattern that is basic enough to go into all strums. I am so excited, for some odd reason when I play I just get really excited and eager to keep learning so I can play songs for people I love. I cant wait to see my Dad and play with him guitar!
I am still painting a big image that takes a lot of dedication..... please pray it gets done.
Yep, today was a great day for many reasons.
Be encouraged God is moving!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Dear Family,
I am currently sitting down watching one of the greatest movies ever "the Rescuers Down Under." It is quiet the movie!
Today, I wrote some letters to my supporters (so expect something), I also painted a lot. Awe this painting is really something, its big, with brilliant colors.
Yep. Nothing, really interesting happened today. I just lived....
I am learning the guitar! I am practicing once again, we'll see where this goes.
Ok, Have a good time, DO YOUR THING!
I am currently sitting down watching one of the greatest movies ever "the Rescuers Down Under." It is quiet the movie!
Today, I wrote some letters to my supporters (so expect something), I also painted a lot. Awe this painting is really something, its big, with brilliant colors.
Yep. Nothing, really interesting happened today. I just lived....
I am learning the guitar! I am practicing once again, we'll see where this goes.
Ok, Have a good time, DO YOUR THING!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Dear Family,
Things are going great.
I have finished three art pieces which I will try to post soon. I am meeting people and recently I went out to give clothes to the homeless people in Boston. I went sledding which was a lot of fun! I have met people this week and spoke with many of them about God, Jesus, this life and who are we living for, it was a good week. Full of new things and accomplishments.
I have not been able to write because I do not have computer access much. I will try to keep up new post this week. Great things are happening! God is moving and we are apart of it.
Things are going great.
I have finished three art pieces which I will try to post soon. I am meeting people and recently I went out to give clothes to the homeless people in Boston. I went sledding which was a lot of fun! I have met people this week and spoke with many of them about God, Jesus, this life and who are we living for, it was a good week. Full of new things and accomplishments.
I have not been able to write because I do not have computer access much. I will try to keep up new post this week. Great things are happening! God is moving and we are apart of it.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Dear Family,
A lot has happen in these last few weeks that I do not know if I could write it all here. My life has had awesome victories then great slaps in the face by events.
I am going to write about the victories because I really think the victories are to bring freedom to my mind and heart when the slaps are things to make me angry, unforgiving and bitter but enough with those three things, I want love!
I think God is changing my heart a lot and many think I am crazy and spiritually dual but I am beginning to think maybe I am not. I maybe just in the right mind set and really allowing God to change something big in my life again. I find following God so exciting again and fun, freeing because I am hitting the rock bottom of myself to find myself at the feet of God.
1. I gave up music for 10 days to allow God to speak to me without that noise. I instead put the bible on my ipod to listen when ever and where ever. Awe, it was so great. For 5 days I had a head ache and felt sick because of the lack of music in my life yet in all this time I knew my understanding of scripture and Gods movement in the hearts of his people looked, meant, then how I should act and view myself and others-these things grew deeper in my mind. I listened to the whole New Testament and was deeply encouraged by Yeshua.
I am not easily swayed by music now, my thoughts and emotions are centered rather then moving with the song playing on the ipod. I am free from the music and able to focus. I have allowed music to control me to self-pity and I am embarrassed/ashamed to admit it. No, I do not think its the musicians and their message but rather ME. I am responsible to have self control which God is developing in me more of.
(BACKSTORY to why i also gave up music....I dislike all music at the moment, nothing says anything that I really like or support, nor how I would have expressed the words and thoughts in my mind so I am really really bored with much music. Truly only the Lord speaks the words I want to hear, agree with and also want to speak.)
2. Lust, I have been dealing with sexual desires a lot recently, at the beginning of 2010 I made a new year resolution that would be for life to not lust and have more self control this year mentally and physically then last year. These last Thursday, I realized I am in self control of my thoughts towards people around me and I do not want to think sexually toward anyone around me or have imaginations running through my mind in morning or night. I have self control over my self more now then in the past which I think is only from God because true maturity comes from God, only good things come from God and I am receiving words from God. I am not dwelling on humanity but God.
(Matt19:8-12) 8Jesus replied, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery."
10The disciples said to him, "If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry."
11Jesus replied, "Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. 12For some are eunuchs because they were born that way; others were made that way by men;and others have renounced marriage[c]because of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.
I am questioning, should I accept this once again? Do I burn with lust so much to be married or can I renounce it to just be dedicated to God? Be praying for my in this area because most time I dont know what I want to be with some one or without some one? Its all so crazy and both look so good....
3. Last night I began to pack up comics, clothes and books that I do not need. I am going to sell them so I can give to the tour I will soon be going on. I also want to have freedom to go from here to there to anywhere God calls. I want to live simply so I can simply live.
4. Revelations, Matthew, Hebrews are my favorite books/letters at the moment in my life to listen. I am deeply encouraged and am beginning to really grasp generally every day what I am to do as a follower of Jesus. So far it is to love Jesus and continue to live beside him, continue to speak of his greatness and how he has inspired me to leave my filthy ways, my values become valueless compared to his love, to his message. I am standing and will until the end (hopefully)and justified by faith in Jesus.
Yeah, I am unafraid to love. I hope this makes sense and is encouraging to you. Keep following Jesus and stay strong in all things.
Hebrews 11-12:1-11, Matthew 9:13, Revelations 7:17, 17:13-14, 19:1-9, 22:21
If you want what I am meditating on and how I am living.
Reve: 22:21
A lot has happen in these last few weeks that I do not know if I could write it all here. My life has had awesome victories then great slaps in the face by events.
I am going to write about the victories because I really think the victories are to bring freedom to my mind and heart when the slaps are things to make me angry, unforgiving and bitter but enough with those three things, I want love!
I think God is changing my heart a lot and many think I am crazy and spiritually dual but I am beginning to think maybe I am not. I maybe just in the right mind set and really allowing God to change something big in my life again. I find following God so exciting again and fun, freeing because I am hitting the rock bottom of myself to find myself at the feet of God.
1. I gave up music for 10 days to allow God to speak to me without that noise. I instead put the bible on my ipod to listen when ever and where ever. Awe, it was so great. For 5 days I had a head ache and felt sick because of the lack of music in my life yet in all this time I knew my understanding of scripture and Gods movement in the hearts of his people looked, meant, then how I should act and view myself and others-these things grew deeper in my mind. I listened to the whole New Testament and was deeply encouraged by Yeshua.
I am not easily swayed by music now, my thoughts and emotions are centered rather then moving with the song playing on the ipod. I am free from the music and able to focus. I have allowed music to control me to self-pity and I am embarrassed/ashamed to admit it. No, I do not think its the musicians and their message but rather ME. I am responsible to have self control which God is developing in me more of.
(BACKSTORY to why i also gave up music....I dislike all music at the moment, nothing says anything that I really like or support, nor how I would have expressed the words and thoughts in my mind so I am really really bored with much music. Truly only the Lord speaks the words I want to hear, agree with and also want to speak.)
2. Lust, I have been dealing with sexual desires a lot recently, at the beginning of 2010 I made a new year resolution that would be for life to not lust and have more self control this year mentally and physically then last year. These last Thursday, I realized I am in self control of my thoughts towards people around me and I do not want to think sexually toward anyone around me or have imaginations running through my mind in morning or night. I have self control over my self more now then in the past which I think is only from God because true maturity comes from God, only good things come from God and I am receiving words from God. I am not dwelling on humanity but God.
(Matt19:8-12) 8Jesus replied, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery."
10The disciples said to him, "If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry."
11Jesus replied, "Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. 12For some are eunuchs because they were born that way; others were made that way by men;and others have renounced marriage[c]because of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.
I am questioning, should I accept this once again? Do I burn with lust so much to be married or can I renounce it to just be dedicated to God? Be praying for my in this area because most time I dont know what I want to be with some one or without some one? Its all so crazy and both look so good....
3. Last night I began to pack up comics, clothes and books that I do not need. I am going to sell them so I can give to the tour I will soon be going on. I also want to have freedom to go from here to there to anywhere God calls. I want to live simply so I can simply live.
4. Revelations, Matthew, Hebrews are my favorite books/letters at the moment in my life to listen. I am deeply encouraged and am beginning to really grasp generally every day what I am to do as a follower of Jesus. So far it is to love Jesus and continue to live beside him, continue to speak of his greatness and how he has inspired me to leave my filthy ways, my values become valueless compared to his love, to his message. I am standing and will until the end (hopefully)and justified by faith in Jesus.
Yeah, I am unafraid to love. I hope this makes sense and is encouraging to you. Keep following Jesus and stay strong in all things.
Hebrews 11-12:1-11, Matthew 9:13, Revelations 7:17, 17:13-14, 19:1-9, 22:21
If you want what I am meditating on and how I am living.
Reve: 22:21
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