Dear YWAM Folks
I am in CA and life is great. I have already eaten a bean and cheese burrito with guacamole. Hugged my parents as well thee cat and dog. I can't believe you are 3 hours ahead of Cali time.
I am reading Jurassic Park (still) and almost finished with it! I wish the movie followed the book closer, it would be so much fun and suspense filled.
I will be meeting with a few friends today! I am so excited to hug them and share my heart with them.
Dear Friends of all Over
I have just finished a few books that I would like to share with you.
The Dirty Little Secret: Uncovering the Truth Behind Porn by Craig Gross
I have just finished this book a few days ago and WOW, I found it inspiring to love more in grace and accountability. I dislike a lot of "Christian" books about sex, accountability, pornography, but this book is different because the humility in Craig Gross writing. He admits the struggles of one who has seen and been addicted to pornography rather then over looking the problem. He admits the "Christian" programs in our society is not enough for someone to over come porn but rather it is in our grace, intimacy, and accountability towards each other in the Church that will bring true freedom to someone addicted to porn or abused by porn.
Craig also invites his reader into the porn market, revealing what happens to customers, Porn Stars, porn managers. Its amazing how I forget a Porn Star is a person, is a broken single mother, a desperate husband trying to provide for his wife and kids. Craig reveals the brokenness that I and many more may consider "ugly" and "hard hearted" to be in need of love, care, and a lot less hard hearted then we may judge.
This book put me to shame, lead me to my judgments and my need to apologize to the people trapped in pornography. To listen more to them and have a open heart to receiving them. God loves Porn Stars and I do too.
I would encourage you to read this book because you realize your need for a new out look on people and the grace of Jesus. This book doesn't just tell the gospel story but shows how a person lived the gospel and invites others to join him in living the gospel.
Jesus for President by Shane Claiborne
This book was AMAZING! My heart was transformed in the process of reading this book. Its about the U.S.A, the government in general humanity built, war/violence, juxtapose to Gods government, Jesus' gospel of grace, humility, love your enemy, Gods identity for humanity.
I will warn you if you love your American life, American Jesus, American flag raised high above in the "church" then do not read this book (but I would still encourage you to read the book because you maybe in idolatry with out knowing it). Shane delivers a message about Gods government that is reality and lovely but costly. He writes about the military and soldiers in Iraq, Palestine who are having a hard time finding their identity in the gospel of Jesus because the military is so far from Jesus' gospel. He writes about economy, greed, and our need to change the way we think about money. How to "stick it to the man" only more to receive a way of God.
Above all Shane writes about grace and how grace is not the easy way of life but the quickest way to change a fallen world. Its beautiful how he articulates Gods call and Jesus' life here on earth.
I personally, in reading this book thought is it worth watching violence and squid images for entertainment. My life was changed by reading this book, I don't like violence that much anymore.
I would recommend this book to shake your faith, world view, and understanding of Gods call on his people.
I love you all and think deeply about you all. We only have one life to live so live it intently. Take every moment to love hard.
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