Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dear Friends and Family,

I have gone out in the past two days to reach out to people in Bostons City Hall and Harvard Sq. I have seen a few cool things.

One man paralyzed from the feet up to the neck began to be healed. A team and I prayed for him and his hands that were crippled began to loosen up. It was a beautiful thing to wittiness! His fingers were curled up and stretched out.

In Harvard Sq (today) I met a Jewish woman and shared with her about Jesus. She was so cool because she desired the faith in God she had seen in me and in others she had met like me. She desired to be in place with God, she told me about her child hood being filled with a knowing of God and there was peace but resently it has been different something has changed. I shared with her that God given him self to the Gentiles so the Jewish people would be jealous of that relationship then desire God. (Romans talks about it) She was surprised and I had challenged her to seek Jesus, to ask him what is truth. We will see what will happen.

It was a good day. Everyday has been a good day, I would like to think it has been because God has miraculously given me a love bug. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I am about to step on enemy territory.....Walmart.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dear friends and family,

I am excited to say that today I am going to go horse back riding today!

Yesterday, I had a great time playing Halo with a few people. I was the worst player in the Halo battles, the guys and gal would come from no where, shoot me, then taunt me. I asked the group do they fight and get flustered with each other, one guy told me "No, we have good sportsmanship so we hardly ever fight". Right after he said that his brother looked at me then made this comment following his brothers "Ya, we only fight over who gets the kill." I shook to my knees and laughed.

I went for a run yesterday, I was huffing and buffing because the altitude.

In the middle of my day I went to meet a woman named Shelly and a man named Justin. They are followers of Jesus and love to counsel and pray for people. We sat in 5 hours of counseling and prayer, it was a good time. God spoke so much to me, not through them but to me.

I have never understood identity being in our spirit and not our carnage. Our carnage has some things of our identity but our spirit is also our identity. My identity is in Christ, my spirit is in Jesus. Shelly and Justin were speaking to my spirit scripture and I could feel my spirit react to the scriptures spoken. I have always been afraid to say I am perfect in Christ, my Dad would tell me everything I need is already in me because of Jesus' Spirit living in me, I never understood this so I never accepted the idea but yesterday I finally had the eyes to see what was spoken to me many times in the past. I was able to see Gods spirit rest upon me, rest within me! I was perfect because of Christ Jesus.

We prayed and talked to each other for hours and spoke life.

I am free from baggage I had carried for years in me that I never knew of. There where small memories I held embarrassment, fear, shame in, then Abba spoke to me in all these memories he had joy over me. I could see Abba crying because of the joy he felt over me. He told me he had pleasure over me in these memories that hurt me. I came to him, walked into a embrace from Abba. It was such a comfort to me that God did not judge me as gross, weird, or a freak, all he had for me was love.

After these five hours of counsel and prayer I did not feel a need to evangelize, to preach a sermon. I had a need to play, enjoy life with people of whatever belief and love. I wanted to be with people. I did afterward.

It was a wonderful time to pray and chat with Shelly and Justin. God had blessed me with meeting these two wonderful people.

Thanks for reading. Love you all

Monday, March 21, 2011

Dear family of Christ,

I am on vacation in Colorado with my good friend Joe Mills. He is lavishing his love on me by serving me, giving me gifts, and being with me. Its great! I am really grate full for his blessings and care in my life.

I have walked around the neighborhood with Jesus and I am convinced of his love for his people again. I love him loving us.

He spoke some very encouraging words to me over the day and I am excited to finish my term with YWAM Boston. God re-assured me of his profound ways through facing difficulties. Being in YWAM is not easy but being loved by God and allowing Him to set things in focus is the key for continuing in anything.

Being here is a great time for me to spend a lot of time in the presence of God with less distraction. The spiritual atmosphere is different too right now, I am being anointed by God to rest and be re-filled.

Pray for me to be in the Spirit and receive his peace of mind.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dear "non-believers", "prechristians"

I am beginning to understand your view of me and others whom claim to be christians, calimed by a loving God but show very little consern for his neightbor.

I have been going through some deep things recently where I am skeptical of programs, advice that is from a christian because I fear their adgenda for me to become like them or "perfect", "good for God", good to finally carry the term christian.

I am weray of programs recently because I am conviced a program can not change a persons heart, motives, ideas, understanding. I know it is only the voice and love of God that can change a mans core being. It is up to the individual to allow God to have His way in their deep internal life too, the only praise a man gets in the end is he responds to God "Yes".

My dear Pre-chiristains, I understand the fear of a hidden adgenda. I understand feeling awkward when some one is talking to you about Jesus and changing your life because they view something evil and sinful which means your in a place far from God. I understand the fear of being missunderstood and not given the opportunity to explain.

I understand and I am sorry for missunderstanding you, placing fear upon you, giving you an awkward moment that shows me to be human and you to be a creature.

God has given me a lot of humility in these last few weeks of my life by allowing me to see my short comings and need for him. I have been loved by God which spures insecurities,fears, doubts, hurts that I do not acknowlegde. Its awesome to be loved by God and to know I am a hurt human being.

My dear Brothers and Sisters we are loved. I am looking forward to one day sharing the love of God with you by empathy, deed, and word. I am very excited for you to tell me about the love of God and sharing Him with me through empathy, deed, and word. Have a good night.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I am sick......again!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I have been stepping down from "leadership", "ministry" recently because God has been doing works in my heart of redemption. I am not struggling but finding myself in areas of belief that I never knew I believed in or wanted to acknowledge my belief in. I'm learning and maturing. Its a great progress and not in vain but in glorification of our God, Jesus Christ. I am not perfect but God is good and perfect. I love him and am being LOVED by Him.

I have been realizing I came here to build giants here in Boston but now I see God is building the giant in me first to build up others. Its a hurtful, sweet, fun process and it will last a life time. For now my influence is not much but its okay. God will get the glory of it all in the end and that is my purpose and joy.

To the love of God forever and ever. Amen.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"No I don't wanna battle from beginning to end;
I don't wanna cycle, recycle revenge;
I don't wanna follow death and all of his friends."-Coldplay

"I believe in a thing called love
Just listen to the rhythm of my heart"-The Darkness

"Don't wait, Don't wait
The lights will flash and fade away
The days will pass you by
Don't wait
To lay your armor down" Dashboard Confessional.