Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dear "non-believers", "prechristians"

I am beginning to understand your view of me and others whom claim to be christians, calimed by a loving God but show very little consern for his neightbor.

I have been going through some deep things recently where I am skeptical of programs, advice that is from a christian because I fear their adgenda for me to become like them or "perfect", "good for God", good to finally carry the term christian.

I am weray of programs recently because I am conviced a program can not change a persons heart, motives, ideas, understanding. I know it is only the voice and love of God that can change a mans core being. It is up to the individual to allow God to have His way in their deep internal life too, the only praise a man gets in the end is he responds to God "Yes".

My dear Pre-chiristains, I understand the fear of a hidden adgenda. I understand feeling awkward when some one is talking to you about Jesus and changing your life because they view something evil and sinful which means your in a place far from God. I understand the fear of being missunderstood and not given the opportunity to explain.

I understand and I am sorry for missunderstanding you, placing fear upon you, giving you an awkward moment that shows me to be human and you to be a creature.

God has given me a lot of humility in these last few weeks of my life by allowing me to see my short comings and need for him. I have been loved by God which spures insecurities,fears, doubts, hurts that I do not acknowlegde. Its awesome to be loved by God and to know I am a hurt human being.

My dear Brothers and Sisters we are loved. I am looking forward to one day sharing the love of God with you by empathy, deed, and word. I am very excited for you to tell me about the love of God and sharing Him with me through empathy, deed, and word. Have a good night.

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