Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dear Friends and Family,

I have gone out in the past two days to reach out to people in Bostons City Hall and Harvard Sq. I have seen a few cool things.

One man paralyzed from the feet up to the neck began to be healed. A team and I prayed for him and his hands that were crippled began to loosen up. It was a beautiful thing to wittiness! His fingers were curled up and stretched out.

In Harvard Sq (today) I met a Jewish woman and shared with her about Jesus. She was so cool because she desired the faith in God she had seen in me and in others she had met like me. She desired to be in place with God, she told me about her child hood being filled with a knowing of God and there was peace but resently it has been different something has changed. I shared with her that God given him self to the Gentiles so the Jewish people would be jealous of that relationship then desire God. (Romans talks about it) She was surprised and I had challenged her to seek Jesus, to ask him what is truth. We will see what will happen.

It was a good day. Everyday has been a good day, I would like to think it has been because God has miraculously given me a love bug. Thanks for reading.

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