Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Dear Family,

I am evaluating this years needs. I would like to push art so much further this year. I would like to begin to do wall size paintings. Joshua Generation is going around New England once again this year but that is not all, we are going to Brazil! Staff fees are always here and have not risen in price, thankfully.

These are jars that are going to hold the donations that are coming in. I will go through each one now.

Let us begin with Art. The monthly goal for art is 400$, this is the highest dream goal of income for art. Donations will go to my self education which include books, paints, films, paint brushes, costumes, and much more.

Recently, I have not been just painting but also film and acting. I love movies! I recently found out independent films are what pushed main stream film to the standard they are now. This was in the 70's.

When I studied this, it gave me much hope to begin filming. To just go for it! I have been watching commentaries of films and realized my team and I can make films. We can change the world with our mini films. I would like to go in this direction with some art.

Painting it self, I would like to begin painting wall size images. Based on theology, the movement of God that I am seeing and still surprised by.

I am dreaming BIG! Please dream with me.

A fulfillment of dreams for YWAM Boston is Joshua Generation. Joshua Generation is usually 20 day program for teens to come and experience their faith in action. 10 days of lecture, 10 days of out reach to the communities depending on where we are at.
Joshua Generation costs at most 250$ and is from July 1-18

This year its New England again, but that is not all! A small team from Joshua Generation will be going to Brazil for awhile after. All of YWAM Boston staff and a small team from Boston will be going to Brazil.

The cost for this mission trip is still up in the air but at most will be 3,000 for plane ticket, food, materials to bring.

The dates are July 23-August 12.
I have one person who will be donating to this once a month but I need more help in raising the money. Please consider it, pray about joining me in this journey.

Staff fees are still 400$ monthly and I ask for 575 so I can get food for the month, eat out at random moments. I am also maybe going to help a fellow staff member who works beside me, Joe Mill.

Tithing is important for me so I do donate to my Boston Church, to ministries I see being used greatly by God, and even my own fellow staff members.

I am also going to begin inviting my neighbors over for dinners so the food money will be going to dinners for 5 people at moments.

This is all of my needs, my dreams, goals for the year. I need your help. I would like to see the Kingdom of God advance, I would like you to be apart of it by praying and/or donating.

Prayer moves mountains, changes governments, mind sets for the glory of God. If God has blessed you with the gift of prayer, then pray for this ministry day and night.

If you have resources, good in finances, please consider donating to this ministry God has in Boston and bring forth from YWAM Boston and I. If you want to know more, please contact me. Lets talk.

Its not just finances, if you work at Starbucks and get free coffee, donate the free coffee so we can save money and use it on other things. Art supplies, old clothes for costumes, film, cameras that you don't use any more. I use trash for art pieces, I do not mind using yours. : )

Please look at your resources because they can be used for the movement of God here in Boston.

Thank you for reading, I am excited about this! I want to see God move, change lives for a lifetime into eternity. I am not perfect and may mess up at moments but I will learn.

I love you.

phone # 626-215-4960

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dear Family,

Today was a good day, I went to a youth group to talk about Jesus and do art.

Today was our YWAM childs' birthday. Javiain is now four, he has made it four years alive now! Its good. I am glad he can enjoy this life. I am grate full he is alive.

The best part of my day was talking about Big Foot and unspoken monsters. The guys at YWAM all decided we will have a search party on day in the woods. I was truly excited and freaking out because of the mystery of this (these) unspoken creatures.

Awe so fun!

Ok Good night.
Much love to you.
Dear Family,

Hello! Things are going great, I am reading many books at the moment. I am reading Heidi Baker's "Compelled by Love", which is about expressing great love to all around you.

Its good so far. I understand her realization of our Western civilization filled materialism, so filled that it is tough for us to truly care for each other.

She lives in Africa and is always surrounded by people who know truly how to care for a human being. Affectionate love. Its good so far and is making me rethink how I reach out to people.

I am not sure really how to evangelize at the moment because I am reading which it is making me rethink how I am interacting with many people. Its a good thing! I am grate full to realize areas of my social life that need a change because it will reach more people for the kingdom of God.

"When a poor person dies of hunger, it has not happened because God did not take care of him or her. It has happened because neither you nor I wanted to give that person what he or she needed. We have refused to be instruments of love in the hands of God to give the poor a piece of bread, to offer them a dress which to ward off the cold. It has happened because we did not recognize Christ when, once more, He appeared under the guise of pain, identified with a man numb from the cold, dying of hunger, when He came in a lonely human being, in a lost child in search of a home." --Mother Teresa

I want to take care of Christ, if it means welcoming people in my arms to embrace them then I must. I am sure you all are doing this in some way, I am too, I would just like to see more of it in my life.

This quote is directed towards the homeless, poor communities in the world but its goes for the spiritual poor too. I see more of this then I do poor here in Boston.

I wounder if I should lose more things to ask for more help from others to allow others to experience giving more or something? I don't know. I would like to just get invovled in peoples lives more and care for others, be a friend to many to take care of Christ.

Yes, I am a dreamer. : D


Last night I went sledding with a my co-workers in YWAM it was so much fun!

There was 6 of us and 5 of us got onto on sled and rode down the hill, it was so great!
A friend of mine also kicked me in the butt hurt but I was so shocked I laughed greatly!

Thanks for reading.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Dear Family in Christ,

I just finished a brilliant book titled "Nevada" by Joshua S. Porter.

It has a spectacular ending that is worth getting to through all the blood, brains, and abortion scene's. Very, very violent. The most violent, distorted book I have read but so good because it talks about the evil in this world. How humanity is in love with their sin far more then the goods for others.

It allows the unedited selfishness play out in this book, to a ending of a true hearts redemption and repentance.

After reading the full book, I would say its not just about the misleading American dream but of the misleading desires of the human heart.

Jesus is not once mentioned in this book by name but acknowledged still. It is magnificent. If his name was mention it would ruin the whole build up, the depth of evil, and lack of hope a human being has when he see's God as himself.

At the end of the book, I found myself thinking in my heart have I forgiven everyone I know? Can I allow myself to be destroyed by this worlds hand and not through a punch but forgive?
I dont know, we will have to wait and see when that time comes.

Thanks for reading. I love you all and encourage you to seek the Kingdom of God.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Dear Family,

Sometimes I just loose my mind. I sat for three hours bound up in thoughts and questions about God.

I am being honest, not for self-pity, not for any pity from others. I have questions that drive me under the ground. I am trying to cool off and enjoy the ride but there are moments like today when I am so unsure that I am paralyzed.

Above all what I may need most at the moment is a person to say "Yes, I agree and understand". My out look is changing so much and it is unfair for me to express my anger into others around me at moments but my internal thoughts are rolling and I sometimes get scared that maybe I (this community) is doing something wrong.

What if "time with Jesus" (meaning: sit and read the bible alone so you can continue to hold things away from the surface from being seen) is incorrect. I see many and at moments I hide away some of my true colors in a moment alone with God rather then deal with them.

What does it mean to be lead of the Holy spirit?

It is hard at this moment to sit and read the bible because I do not know if I am under a human idea of christianity or truly Gods way of christianity.

Its a thought and a thing I have been dealing with for awhile.

Please do not fear my health nor my trust of and in God. I truly think this is a maturing of faith and I need to push through but those who are in fellowship with me daily, will they walk with me in this? I think so.

Pray for me. A lot of things are being up rooted.

Thank you. Much love.


Panic and Understanding

Dear Family,

This morning I was watching T.V. and have been reflecting on my recent months with YWAM. Realizing, my income will always vary because my income is my financial supporters. Which come and go and thus far all have been faithful monthly (thank you). I realized, no body really would understand this life of a missionary that I live. I myself also am adjusting to this life style too. It is odd.

I travel, live off support from others, interact with many people in the streets, am an artist, live in community. Before all these things though, its Jesus that is the weirdest to people around me. How I interact with him and live for him. The list before came after Jesus, I would not be living this way if it wasn't for this man.

I seek no name for myself (most days), I expect things to come out of the blue and they do! Its a weird life I do live.

I slightly panic because it does not make sense and sometimes the comfort home does sound better. Yet, I know in the long run its not the life I am meant to live. I thought what about after YWAM, what if I am not meant to be a missionary till death how am I going to get finances, get a job with out education. BLAH!

Meh, I will think about it when it happens. Not really worried about it anymore. I really just do not want to get in to debt, that is the worst thing to me at this moment in life.

Please pray for me and pray about supporting me to do Gods will in this year or (hopefully) next few years.
It is a lot of work. There is no slacking in this job. My manager before all man is God and that is freaky at moments.

Much love to you.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Dear Family,

Today was a good day of work. I worked on lines and dances for our production "Encounter". The process is going swell.

I sat in the administration office for 2-3 hours working on office stuff. Exciting, not! No, No, really is was good.

Tonight we have a night of worship and that is always good.

Ok there is a small update of my life!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Dear family,

Tonight YWAM went out to reach out to Boston at Copley Square to tell people about Jesus.

It was great! Things have been going very well.

We have a Korean team with us and they are fabulous with reaching people and praying for them. Koreans know how to pray! I was totally amazed at how many people I saw where being prayed for at once. 3-4 Koreans would gather a round one person and just start praying and it seemed very effective. I liked.

The Korean team has a traditional Korean drum song of worship that is SO beautiful! I fell in love with this instrumental piece of music. They have a few dances and dramas which engage people very personally. Its is good!

Today was a great day. People are beginning to walk with God or acknowledge God in their lives.

One person on our team spoke to a women who said she did not believe in God, but then she changed her mind because in this one day so many people spoke of God around her and even to her so at the end of this day she decided to allow God to show his existence. Pray for her and those others who have begun to acknowlegde God walking beside them in this gutter world.

Thanks for reading, much love to you.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Dear Family,

I just finished reading a comic book (a graphic novel) titled Watchmen. was great.

After reading the book and seeing some truth spoken in this comic, I sat back and agreed with the truth that I read.

The truth that I read of is humanity has a cycle of mess up which therefore removes our ability to know justice. I loved it because at the end of the comic I was back to the beginning of mind set when I first began the comic book, we need a Savior.

I enjoy many things that show the flaws of man, our need for a savior because that is the beginning towards the ultimate truth. Truth meaning Jesus.

Watchman tears apart a lot of deep human thought, motives, emotions and shows a need for a human nature change, a heart change.

It was beautiful. A well written, thought out book.

I am missing some points of the book, I am sure. I am reading the book through my own perception, high lighting what I like so I would like you to read it, if you get a moment.

Its just a fiction book that steps on some truth.

For me it leads to the ultimate truth of we need a savior.

Thanks for reading.
Dear Family,

I am currently in need of more supports. I am asking for you to send me contacts that you think may help a missionary. If any names come to mind please send me their information so I could call or email them.

Thank you for your love and support.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Dear Family,

Things are going.

I went to California and may I just type "I LOVE YOU" in caps.

It was a fresh breath of air to be around people who understand my mind and appreciate its twisted mind set. I love you and you have a home in my heart.

I am back in Boston and I am glad to be back because I am eager to see God move in deeper ways. I know he is moving in deep ways but I would like to be involved yet as a human being I am realizing and seeing more of my sin as I (think I am) move closer to God.

So far some thing proven true in my life is "All saints admit they are sinners and still need Gods discipline for repentance".

I am noticing some areas in my that need to change and I am being proactive in this change.

The Changes are loving my neighbors, I am beginning to invite my neighbors over to hang out and allow us to be involved in each others lives.

So yeah I am getting on that and more things but I am not too sure yet if I should share some of those things at this moment as they are just beginning to come to my attention.

I am on a 21 day fast to eating specific items only. I know this fasting is revealing much of my thoughts and views in life.

I am also praying for many people in CA and in MA.

I am sure without or with me the Kingdom of God will be moving around and within you. Keep following Jesus.

In Love, Jordan.