Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Dear Family,

I just finished reading a comic book (a graphic novel) titled Watchmen. Um...it was great.

After reading the book and seeing some truth spoken in this comic, I sat back and agreed with the truth that I read.

The truth that I read of is humanity has a cycle of mess up which therefore removes our ability to know justice. I loved it because at the end of the comic I was back to the beginning of mind set when I first began the comic book, we need a Savior.

I enjoy many things that show the flaws of man, our need for a savior because that is the beginning towards the ultimate truth. Truth meaning Jesus.

Watchman tears apart a lot of deep human thought, motives, emotions and shows a need for a human nature change, a heart change.

It was beautiful. A well written, thought out book.

I am missing some points of the book, I am sure. I am reading the book through my own perception, high lighting what I like so I would like you to read it, if you get a moment.

Its just a fiction book that steps on some truth.

For me it leads to the ultimate truth of we need a savior.

Thanks for reading.

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