Dear Family,
I am evaluating this years needs. I would like to push art so much further this year. I would like to begin to do wall size paintings. Joshua Generation is going around New England once again this year but that is not all, we are going to Brazil! Staff fees are always here and have not risen in price, thankfully.
These are jars that are going to hold the donations that are coming in. I will go through each one now.

Recently, I have not been just painting but also film and acting. I love movies! I recently found out independent films are what pushed main stream film to the standard they are now. This was in the 70's.
When I studied this, it gave me much hope to begin filming. To just go for it! I have been watching commentaries of films and realized my team and I can make films. We can change the world with our mini films. I would like to go in this direction with some art.
Painting it self, I would like to begin painting wall size images. Based on theology, the movement of God that I am seeing and still surprised by.
I am dreaming BIG! Please dream with me.

Joshua Generation costs at most 250$ and is from July 1-18
This year its New England again, but that is not all! A small team from Joshua Generation will be going to Brazil for awhile after. All of YWAM Boston staff and a small team from Boston will be going to Brazil.
The cost for this mission trip is still up in the air but at most will be 3,000 for plane ticket, food, materials to bring.
The dates are July 23-August 12.
I have one person who will be donating to this once a month but I need more help in raising the money. Please consider it, pray about joining me in this journey.

Tithing is important for me so I do donate to my Boston Church, to ministries I see being used greatly by God, and even my own fellow staff members.
I am also going to begin inviting my neighbors over for dinners so the food money will be going to dinners for 5 people at moments.
This is all of my needs, my dreams, goals for the year. I need your help. I would like to see the Kingdom of God advance, I would like you to be apart of it by praying and/or donating.
Prayer moves mountains, changes governments, mind sets for the glory of God. If God has blessed you with the gift of prayer, then pray for this ministry day and night.
If you have resources, good in finances, please consider donating to this ministry God has in Boston and bring forth from YWAM Boston and I. If you want to know more, please contact me. Lets talk.
Its not just finances, if you work at Starbucks and get free coffee, donate the free coffee so we can save money and use it on other things. Art supplies, old clothes for costumes, film, cameras that you don't use any more. I use trash for art pieces, I do not mind using yours. : )
Please look at your resources because they can be used for the movement of God here in Boston.
Thank you for reading, I am excited about this! I want to see God move, change lives for a lifetime into eternity. I am not perfect and may mess up at moments but I will learn.
I love you.
contact- j.esquivel1112@gmail.com
phone # 626-215-4960
great blog entry, Jordan! i'll be praying :)