Monday, January 4, 2010

Dear Family,

Things are going.

I went to California and may I just type "I LOVE YOU" in caps.

It was a fresh breath of air to be around people who understand my mind and appreciate its twisted mind set. I love you and you have a home in my heart.

I am back in Boston and I am glad to be back because I am eager to see God move in deeper ways. I know he is moving in deep ways but I would like to be involved yet as a human being I am realizing and seeing more of my sin as I (think I am) move closer to God.

So far some thing proven true in my life is "All saints admit they are sinners and still need Gods discipline for repentance".

I am noticing some areas in my that need to change and I am being proactive in this change.

The Changes are loving my neighbors, I am beginning to invite my neighbors over to hang out and allow us to be involved in each others lives.

So yeah I am getting on that and more things but I am not too sure yet if I should share some of those things at this moment as they are just beginning to come to my attention.

I am on a 21 day fast to eating specific items only. I know this fasting is revealing much of my thoughts and views in life.

I am also praying for many people in CA and in MA.

I am sure without or with me the Kingdom of God will be moving around and within you. Keep following Jesus.

In Love, Jordan.

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