Random events in my life that made me laugh over the last week.
*I was walking down the hall in my house to a closet near the kitchen to pick up my snow boots. As I bent to pick them up I did not realize how close I was to the corner of the wall until my forehead hit the corner allowing a shocking pain wake me up. It was funny after a moment of repeated "ouch".
*I was on the bus back to my house. I saw a dirty, smelly old man walk on to the bus and stand next to the back door. Suddenly from the back of the bus comes a women with a mask over her mouth, rubber gloves covering her hands fasten on her wrist with Velcro, layers of jackets and jeans, and rubber rain boot. She had to be diagnose with a Germophobia or Mysophobia. She walked and stood right next to this man who was dirty and smell. I then thought to myself "What a beautiful world". Seeing these two polar opposites stand beside each other filled me with hope and laughter for our strange humanity.
* I wrote to my friend guess instead of guest. Very difficulty word to grasp.
* My friend left for a week to spend time in Florida with his parents while he was there he left his tuck in the back of a parking spot which i guess was our neighbors drive way. A blizzard hit Boston which means the snow plows began to run. A snow plow or our neighbor snowed-in my friends truck. I then thought I would be nice and break the wall of snow down for my friend. I did break the wall of snow and some snow went into this mans area of the drive way but nothing that I would think to be bother-some. I left to be with some friends came back to find the wall of snow back up blocking my friends truck but this time there was a sign. On the sign read "Do not put snow on my drive way. If you do this again I will break your front window and through snow into your front seats." I became angry wondering why this threat was necessary when there is only one way out of the drive way which the snow then his car is blocking, what a rude person. I do not understand it so now I laugh.
*I am house sitting for a friend and he owns some cats. This morning I woke up with them laying next to me. One was laying against my knees the other against my stomach. It was 9 0'clock. I was so comfy that I slept longer.
*I woke up to the cats and it was 12 0'Clock. I then realized it was time to defiantly get up. I woke the cats up and Bella gets up stares at me then walks up to my face rubes it with her face then her body then to her tail with that came a rub of her fart in my face! I gasped then died.
* Oh ya, how I shoveled the snow wall for my friends truck to get out was with a POT. Then I heat up some water filled a big white bucket, poured it over the snow thinking it will melt it and it did jack! I then used the white bucket to shovel to snow wall down.
These are some of my funny events. Thanks for reading.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Dear Friends and family.
I have been alone the last few days. I realize how quickly my mind goes into things that get me frustrated and angry so easily. I think of the past, things people had said to me, the hypocrisy I see in others, how there is injustice in everything, why I cant speak up about how I feel or think. These thoughts are terrible and tearing me up inside as I sit alone. I dislike it and I need to be on guard consistently towards this victimized, justice, criminal, revengeful thought pattern in my mind.
I share this with you because I need help. By help, I mean prayer. I ask God "why these thoughts?". He response differently to me each time I ask him and the same response when I am in a place of thought he and I have already visited. He speaks to me "You're a broken spirit" (he says this with a compassionate voice, that shows me he is ready to receive me as I am). He said to me once and reminds me "this is your thorn in the side and I will not heal you because my grace is sufficient. Once you desire me and not your perfected image then the thorn may leave but until then search for me and I will love you". Sometimes he response with silence which I would say is the most painful response because I cant tell if he is near or far. I trust in these moments he is listening and waiting for me to calm down and rest in his presence.
There is a beautiful story I was once told. "There was a wife and a husband. The wife would come home to her husband pissed off, yelling at him about how she is disappointed with him and her life. She would clam he did not love her. The husband will listen walk around the house making the house fit her so she could be comfortable. He would be fixing a meal for her as she pouts, then he grabs a cup fills it with orange juice and hands it over to her. She drinks it and then begins to calm down, rest, and apologize for all the things she said. He sits with her and cares for her and understands she has a disease that makes her act this way. He loves her and is patient with her" This is my relationship with God and it maybe yours too. I knew as soon as I heard this story that it was God and his treatment towards me.
Jesus deeply love me and I love him back. Try to at least.
We are deeply loved by God. We may be wolves to one another and slowly repenting of this animal instinct but God is never a wolf, he is a gentle lamb.
He is lovely.
I have been alone the last few days. I realize how quickly my mind goes into things that get me frustrated and angry so easily. I think of the past, things people had said to me, the hypocrisy I see in others, how there is injustice in everything, why I cant speak up about how I feel or think. These thoughts are terrible and tearing me up inside as I sit alone. I dislike it and I need to be on guard consistently towards this victimized, justice, criminal, revengeful thought pattern in my mind.
I share this with you because I need help. By help, I mean prayer. I ask God "why these thoughts?". He response differently to me each time I ask him and the same response when I am in a place of thought he and I have already visited. He speaks to me "You're a broken spirit" (he says this with a compassionate voice, that shows me he is ready to receive me as I am). He said to me once and reminds me "this is your thorn in the side and I will not heal you because my grace is sufficient. Once you desire me and not your perfected image then the thorn may leave but until then search for me and I will love you". Sometimes he response with silence which I would say is the most painful response because I cant tell if he is near or far. I trust in these moments he is listening and waiting for me to calm down and rest in his presence.
There is a beautiful story I was once told. "There was a wife and a husband. The wife would come home to her husband pissed off, yelling at him about how she is disappointed with him and her life. She would clam he did not love her. The husband will listen walk around the house making the house fit her so she could be comfortable. He would be fixing a meal for her as she pouts, then he grabs a cup fills it with orange juice and hands it over to her. She drinks it and then begins to calm down, rest, and apologize for all the things she said. He sits with her and cares for her and understands she has a disease that makes her act this way. He loves her and is patient with her" This is my relationship with God and it maybe yours too. I knew as soon as I heard this story that it was God and his treatment towards me.
Jesus deeply love me and I love him back. Try to at least.
We are deeply loved by God. We may be wolves to one another and slowly repenting of this animal instinct but God is never a wolf, he is a gentle lamb.
He is lovely.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Dear Family and friends,
I am grateful to announce that God takes care of his creation. God takes care of his children. God takes care of his Kingdom. God takes care of the cosmos, the universes around us that are unseen. God takes care of the chaos in our world. God takes care of our economy. God takes care of the air flowing in and out of your lungs as you read this note. God takes care of the sick, the poor, the needy, the insecure, the meek, the just and unjust. God takes care of us who are in need of him and allows him into the depth of our selves and our surroundings.
I am grateful for this God of the universe, this God of peace and comfort, this sovereign God that reins over all creatures of the sea, land, and air. This God that may have the power to create and erase existence. He may have wrath and fire but he comes to us in the power of lowly, meek, humbleness. A king that kneels.
This is our God, this is our king, our savior. Sovereign and mighty. Our wisdom nearly touches his foolishness.
Romans 11:33-36 (The Message)
33-36Have you ever come on anything quite like this extravagant generosity of God, this deep, deep wisdom? It's way over our heads. We'll never figure it out.
Is there anyone around who can explain God?
Anyone smart enough to tell him what to do?
Anyone who has done him such a huge favor
that God has to ask his advice?
Everything comes from him;
Everything happens through him;
Everything ends up in him.
Always glory! Always praise!
Yes. Yes. Yes.
Job 1:21
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb,
and naked I will depart.
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;
may the name of the LORD be praised.”
I adore thee, I adore thee,
may my existence be to know thy name.
I am grateful to announce that God takes care of his creation. God takes care of his children. God takes care of his Kingdom. God takes care of the cosmos, the universes around us that are unseen. God takes care of the chaos in our world. God takes care of our economy. God takes care of the air flowing in and out of your lungs as you read this note. God takes care of the sick, the poor, the needy, the insecure, the meek, the just and unjust. God takes care of us who are in need of him and allows him into the depth of our selves and our surroundings.
I am grateful for this God of the universe, this God of peace and comfort, this sovereign God that reins over all creatures of the sea, land, and air. This God that may have the power to create and erase existence. He may have wrath and fire but he comes to us in the power of lowly, meek, humbleness. A king that kneels.
This is our God, this is our king, our savior. Sovereign and mighty. Our wisdom nearly touches his foolishness.
Romans 11:33-36 (The Message)
33-36Have you ever come on anything quite like this extravagant generosity of God, this deep, deep wisdom? It's way over our heads. We'll never figure it out.
Is there anyone around who can explain God?
Anyone smart enough to tell him what to do?
Anyone who has done him such a huge favor
that God has to ask his advice?
Everything comes from him;
Everything happens through him;
Everything ends up in him.
Always glory! Always praise!
Yes. Yes. Yes.
Job 1:21
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb,
and naked I will depart.
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;
may the name of the LORD be praised.”
I adore thee, I adore thee,
may my existence be to know thy name.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Dear friends and family,
God is so kind and helping me a tone to work beside him in advancing his kingdom. I have been just given a acer notebook (laptop) which opens more doors to get in touch with people, write news letters, get access to personal accounts, and post a lot more art. I am grate full for Gods love and provision in helping me with his way.
I have also been greatly honored with a gift from my parents the New and Old Testament on audio. I have been looking for a audio bible for a few months now, praying for one secretly and now I have one.
I have been radically touched by God in case you haven't read my last post. This touch from God was sweet, pleasurable, delicious. Beneath his breath my spirit was recovered by his reminder of love and the cross he bore for me to live with him forever, to express such great heights of love for me (for us).
I feel a weight lifted from my eyes, my soul was so strained by sorrow, shame, fears but now I am alive in Christ. I maybe alive but I am so hungry, thirsty for more of Yahweh.
Please pray for these things because they are concerns on my heart.
finances, I am in need of help.
I will be starting a bible study in a project/community coming January. I will be leading it with new and recommitted folks of the faith. Pray for them and that I can lead them in a honest life before God.
I will be working closely with two churches one of which is my home church in Boston and the second a church that I am developing a good relationship with. Pray that we proclaim the gospel with boldness and benefit the community.
Pray for Joshua Generation and new students to come in from our last out reach. I have been doing follow up for the last few months and some of them I am praying will come to be apart of J.G. this coming summer.
THANKS. I love you all.
God is so kind and helping me a tone to work beside him in advancing his kingdom. I have been just given a acer notebook (laptop) which opens more doors to get in touch with people, write news letters, get access to personal accounts, and post a lot more art. I am grate full for Gods love and provision in helping me with his way.
I have also been greatly honored with a gift from my parents the New and Old Testament on audio. I have been looking for a audio bible for a few months now, praying for one secretly and now I have one.
I have been radically touched by God in case you haven't read my last post. This touch from God was sweet, pleasurable, delicious. Beneath his breath my spirit was recovered by his reminder of love and the cross he bore for me to live with him forever, to express such great heights of love for me (for us).
I feel a weight lifted from my eyes, my soul was so strained by sorrow, shame, fears but now I am alive in Christ. I maybe alive but I am so hungry, thirsty for more of Yahweh.
Please pray for these things because they are concerns on my heart.
finances, I am in need of help.
I will be starting a bible study in a project/community coming January. I will be leading it with new and recommitted folks of the faith. Pray for them and that I can lead them in a honest life before God.
I will be working closely with two churches one of which is my home church in Boston and the second a church that I am developing a good relationship with. Pray that we proclaim the gospel with boldness and benefit the community.
Pray for Joshua Generation and new students to come in from our last out reach. I have been doing follow up for the last few months and some of them I am praying will come to be apart of J.G. this coming summer.
THANKS. I love you all.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Dear Family,
The last few days of my life have been filled with the touch of God. I have not felt the love, the care of God like these last few days in a long while. Jesus has touched my spirit, my core being bringing healing, comfort, and repentance.
Sunday I prayed with a friend about my recent struggles and things of the past. Holy Spirit came upon us in this room revealing my views of Christian and my self. In my junior high school year I began to view Christians as phony because they and I could not express what Holy Spirit was doing in our hearts with theology, we could not give it labels, it seemed like emotional, mental therapy more then a move of God. Sunday, God revealed to me that my view of Christians being phony is not true, that he can move as he wish upon any one or thing. I have accepted a lie that theology was the focus, the labels we needed in order to understand Gods move. I told God I am sorry for accepting this lie, I asked him to forgive me.
More happened Sunday but I would rather speak of them in person or over the phone.
Monday night, God moved.
YWAM holds a night service of worshiping, praising God, listening to his voice about our lives and his will to come deeper in our hearts. Last night was this service and I was entering into the presence of God with a knowing pride was in my heart towards a friend, I had a lack of appreciation of him, and pride towards myself that I did not appreciate myself either. I have great sorrow toward me.
I told my friend my lack of appreciation of him, he responded with a brutal truth. He said to me "Jordan, your lack of appreciation comes from your lack of appreciation towards yourself. I feel sad for you that you cant see the good that you are." I felt anger towards my friend because he spoke truth and to say he felt sad for me, sorry for me because he cared about me, saw good in me that I could not see in me. I felt anger because I knew he loved me, cared for me and I view myself as unworthy of love and caring. We prayed and walk away from each other. I went away to simply praise God, aware of my insecurity but knowing God is loving and caring I stood in his presence waiting for him to speak.
I then had a desire for prayer from a close friend, I went to him told him told him about what had just happened with my other friend. I told him I have very little love for myself. He encouraged me and prayed for me, I then sensed I had to confess and ask for forgiveness from God for my great sorrow toward myself. I admitted it and asked God for his grace and forgiveness. I left my friend and went back to simply worship God.
Then one of the leaders of the night said I sense God wants us to go deeper with him, notice that God desires us more, he said to raise your hand if you want prayer. I did not want to raise my hand, I thought I am fine, I spoke my issues, my burdens, I should be okay yet I wanted more prayer knowing that God desires more, has more to reveal to me. I kept hearing Holy Spirit speak to me "I am more then a conquer in Christ." This phrase repeated in my mind and I couldn't shake it off it was a truth that I could not accept but desired to accept. I rose my hand and waited on God.
Two people came to pray for me. We sat in prayer before I spoke what phrase was repeated in my mind, I told them I am having a hard time accepting this truth and I need prayer for it to become true in my mind, emotions, physical being. We prayed and I sensed Holy Spirit rolling under me and rising up my body to my head. I told them to keep praying because God is doing something, I was grate full and did not want to stop praying till God spoke to me.
The muscles in my hands, in my legs tightened, I began to gasp for air, tears fell from my eyes, my sight faded in and out, I became numb and could not move. I fell to the floor on my back, encountering God.
I was out of this reality and in the presence of God at a dinning table that was endless with food and chairs with a gold frame and a black cushion. I could not stop saying "I am so hungry, I am so hungry Lord". The Lord handed my a plate with a omelet filled with spinach, spam, feta cheese, tomatoes, and cheese. He gave me more food-yogurt, fruit, lobster, shrimp, bread- I was feasting with Yahweh.
Even though Yahweh kept giving me food, I kept telling him "I am so hungry". I couldn't recall looking at my body but I could notice my body was so bony, scaly dry, wrinkly. God took me to a few places first began in a giant house, then we went to Northern Ireland, and then to Little Tokyo in Los Angels. In Lil Tokyo I was in a store running around looking at all the food, gathering, ready to eat all the food I wished to. God spoke to me "You see Jordan, there is enough food, there is enough". I walked out of the store and back into the room where the endless table was and I eat chicken with God. As I eat I tried to look at the person next to me knowing some one is sitting there but I could not fully see them, they where not fully developed, fading in and out of sight. I stopped caring and decided to feast with God.
I could think of a few things 1) Heide Baker, her book I just read about feasting for nations to love greatly. I have been praying to understand what it means to feast for a nation of people. 2) Between ages 10 or 11 I remember sitting watching the news in the morning and I asked God "when am I going to die?". I thought I heard God, I supposed I did, God spoke to me "21". Last June or July I remembered asking God this question and I even asked a friend when he is in prayer to ask God if I when will I die. Yahweh spoke to me bringing these two things together and making a new reality for me. Yahweh (without words) made it known to me this moment is a moment when I am feasting for a nation of people, and that this day is the day I die, I die to myself, an end to me and a beginning of him. The table and food before me disappeared behind a bright light that shined onto my face and into my eyes making it seemed like I have left the room. He then (with words) asked me "Are you ready to follow me, are you ready to submit all your will to me and follow me?". I began to cry in gratitude and pain. I responded "yes. Yes, I will follow you. Yes, I will submit my will to you. Yes Lord yes".
He spoke again "tell people, love people as my children". I understood quickly that it was not nearly about salvation but understanding, comprehending that we are children of God. That people in the church do not know that they are children of God. I began to remember, understand, comprehend I am a child of God.
This was a long moment because I could feel the selfishness in me battle and close up to my Spirits request to submit so God sat waiting for me to open more doors in my heart to him. I remember telling God there are areas where I am not accepting your call, help me to accept, he did by his light.
God then brought us back to the table. I sat before him and he gave me a blueberry pancake, crackers and oat meal textured cookies with pinkish and green candies in them. I was thirsty too and he gave me green tea before I left him. I did not want to leave but he assured me it was time to leave, he and I will meet again. I was so grate full to meet with the Father.
He loved me. I woke back to this reality. I sat accepting my gift, then realized I needed to give this gift away so I began telling people "You are a child of God".
this is my testimony of Yahweh loving me, in order that others may be known and loved by him. I love you Church, we are Gods children.
The last few days of my life have been filled with the touch of God. I have not felt the love, the care of God like these last few days in a long while. Jesus has touched my spirit, my core being bringing healing, comfort, and repentance.
Sunday I prayed with a friend about my recent struggles and things of the past. Holy Spirit came upon us in this room revealing my views of Christian and my self. In my junior high school year I began to view Christians as phony because they and I could not express what Holy Spirit was doing in our hearts with theology, we could not give it labels, it seemed like emotional, mental therapy more then a move of God. Sunday, God revealed to me that my view of Christians being phony is not true, that he can move as he wish upon any one or thing. I have accepted a lie that theology was the focus, the labels we needed in order to understand Gods move. I told God I am sorry for accepting this lie, I asked him to forgive me.
More happened Sunday but I would rather speak of them in person or over the phone.
Monday night, God moved.
YWAM holds a night service of worshiping, praising God, listening to his voice about our lives and his will to come deeper in our hearts. Last night was this service and I was entering into the presence of God with a knowing pride was in my heart towards a friend, I had a lack of appreciation of him, and pride towards myself that I did not appreciate myself either. I have great sorrow toward me.
I told my friend my lack of appreciation of him, he responded with a brutal truth. He said to me "Jordan, your lack of appreciation comes from your lack of appreciation towards yourself. I feel sad for you that you cant see the good that you are." I felt anger towards my friend because he spoke truth and to say he felt sad for me, sorry for me because he cared about me, saw good in me that I could not see in me. I felt anger because I knew he loved me, cared for me and I view myself as unworthy of love and caring. We prayed and walk away from each other. I went away to simply praise God, aware of my insecurity but knowing God is loving and caring I stood in his presence waiting for him to speak.
I then had a desire for prayer from a close friend, I went to him told him told him about what had just happened with my other friend. I told him I have very little love for myself. He encouraged me and prayed for me, I then sensed I had to confess and ask for forgiveness from God for my great sorrow toward myself. I admitted it and asked God for his grace and forgiveness. I left my friend and went back to simply worship God.
Then one of the leaders of the night said I sense God wants us to go deeper with him, notice that God desires us more, he said to raise your hand if you want prayer. I did not want to raise my hand, I thought I am fine, I spoke my issues, my burdens, I should be okay yet I wanted more prayer knowing that God desires more, has more to reveal to me. I kept hearing Holy Spirit speak to me "I am more then a conquer in Christ." This phrase repeated in my mind and I couldn't shake it off it was a truth that I could not accept but desired to accept. I rose my hand and waited on God.
Two people came to pray for me. We sat in prayer before I spoke what phrase was repeated in my mind, I told them I am having a hard time accepting this truth and I need prayer for it to become true in my mind, emotions, physical being. We prayed and I sensed Holy Spirit rolling under me and rising up my body to my head. I told them to keep praying because God is doing something, I was grate full and did not want to stop praying till God spoke to me.
The muscles in my hands, in my legs tightened, I began to gasp for air, tears fell from my eyes, my sight faded in and out, I became numb and could not move. I fell to the floor on my back, encountering God.
I was out of this reality and in the presence of God at a dinning table that was endless with food and chairs with a gold frame and a black cushion. I could not stop saying "I am so hungry, I am so hungry Lord". The Lord handed my a plate with a omelet filled with spinach, spam, feta cheese, tomatoes, and cheese. He gave me more food-yogurt, fruit, lobster, shrimp, bread- I was feasting with Yahweh.
Even though Yahweh kept giving me food, I kept telling him "I am so hungry". I couldn't recall looking at my body but I could notice my body was so bony, scaly dry, wrinkly. God took me to a few places first began in a giant house, then we went to Northern Ireland, and then to Little Tokyo in Los Angels. In Lil Tokyo I was in a store running around looking at all the food, gathering, ready to eat all the food I wished to. God spoke to me "You see Jordan, there is enough food, there is enough". I walked out of the store and back into the room where the endless table was and I eat chicken with God. As I eat I tried to look at the person next to me knowing some one is sitting there but I could not fully see them, they where not fully developed, fading in and out of sight. I stopped caring and decided to feast with God.
I could think of a few things 1) Heide Baker, her book I just read about feasting for nations to love greatly. I have been praying to understand what it means to feast for a nation of people. 2) Between ages 10 or 11 I remember sitting watching the news in the morning and I asked God "when am I going to die?". I thought I heard God, I supposed I did, God spoke to me "21". Last June or July I remembered asking God this question and I even asked a friend when he is in prayer to ask God if I when will I die. Yahweh spoke to me bringing these two things together and making a new reality for me. Yahweh (without words) made it known to me this moment is a moment when I am feasting for a nation of people, and that this day is the day I die, I die to myself, an end to me and a beginning of him. The table and food before me disappeared behind a bright light that shined onto my face and into my eyes making it seemed like I have left the room. He then (with words) asked me "Are you ready to follow me, are you ready to submit all your will to me and follow me?". I began to cry in gratitude and pain. I responded "yes. Yes, I will follow you. Yes, I will submit my will to you. Yes Lord yes".
He spoke again "tell people, love people as my children". I understood quickly that it was not nearly about salvation but understanding, comprehending that we are children of God. That people in the church do not know that they are children of God. I began to remember, understand, comprehend I am a child of God.
This was a long moment because I could feel the selfishness in me battle and close up to my Spirits request to submit so God sat waiting for me to open more doors in my heart to him. I remember telling God there are areas where I am not accepting your call, help me to accept, he did by his light.
God then brought us back to the table. I sat before him and he gave me a blueberry pancake, crackers and oat meal textured cookies with pinkish and green candies in them. I was thirsty too and he gave me green tea before I left him. I did not want to leave but he assured me it was time to leave, he and I will meet again. I was so grate full to meet with the Father.
He loved me. I woke back to this reality. I sat accepting my gift, then realized I needed to give this gift away so I began telling people "You are a child of God".
this is my testimony of Yahweh loving me, in order that others may be known and loved by him. I love you Church, we are Gods children.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Dear Family,
I have a friend named Torli Krua whom is a African missionary to America also a speaker of hope in Africa. His heart is for African Refugees that are fleeing to America for freedom from the violence and desolate conditions in Africa, Torli speaks to his people about creating jobs, creating a new way of life in the midst of their circumstance, its a message of hope and imagination. He is a great man, I enjoy listening to what he has to say about life and what process is happening in his ministry. He is married, his wife lived in Africa for awhile but Torli was able to bring her to America so they can finally be a family together and not in distance. Torli and his wife are due for a child in April.
Torli has very few financial supporters, I would like to ask you to send a special donation for Torli Krua. He is not apart of YWAM, his is a part of the body of Christ, please consider to support him. His ministry is one that is changing lives.
Here are some videos of him interacting with the people God has placed in his hands.
If you send a donation send it to YWAM Boston, email YWAM Boston telling them its for Jordan to give to Torli Krua. You can also send money for Torli through mail just email and I will send you the address.
I have a friend named Torli Krua whom is a African missionary to America also a speaker of hope in Africa. His heart is for African Refugees that are fleeing to America for freedom from the violence and desolate conditions in Africa, Torli speaks to his people about creating jobs, creating a new way of life in the midst of their circumstance, its a message of hope and imagination. He is a great man, I enjoy listening to what he has to say about life and what process is happening in his ministry. He is married, his wife lived in Africa for awhile but Torli was able to bring her to America so they can finally be a family together and not in distance. Torli and his wife are due for a child in April.
Torli has very few financial supporters, I would like to ask you to send a special donation for Torli Krua. He is not apart of YWAM, his is a part of the body of Christ, please consider to support him. His ministry is one that is changing lives.
Here are some videos of him interacting with the people God has placed in his hands.
If you send a donation send it to YWAM Boston, email YWAM Boston telling them its for Jordan to give to Torli Krua. You can also send money for Torli through mail just email and I will send you the address.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Dear Family,
I am currently relaxing. I have no desire to do anything but sit with a quite mind. I could read but wish not to for I like this silent mind that I have for once in a long time. I could think about the future but that is a waste at the moment because I am not moving anywhere in time now so at the moment I will stay in the present thought of nothingness. The chains and freedoms of the past are clear to see, nothing new to me and nothing to worry about in this moment. I am satisfied with just silence and sitting.
Why? Why am I so satisfied with just sitting...but there is more beneath my chest. A heart beat that races with my thought of I am eager to live. I understand living is not thinking of the future, nor how to fix/accept the past, but enjoying the moment relaxing, being confident in the hope that everything is going to be alright. It is not in my power to control everything.
It is not in my power to control everything-what a freeing statement.
I am okay, I am free.
I am currently relaxing. I have no desire to do anything but sit with a quite mind. I could read but wish not to for I like this silent mind that I have for once in a long time. I could think about the future but that is a waste at the moment because I am not moving anywhere in time now so at the moment I will stay in the present thought of nothingness. The chains and freedoms of the past are clear to see, nothing new to me and nothing to worry about in this moment. I am satisfied with just silence and sitting.
Why? Why am I so satisfied with just sitting...but there is more beneath my chest. A heart beat that races with my thought of I am eager to live. I understand living is not thinking of the future, nor how to fix/accept the past, but enjoying the moment relaxing, being confident in the hope that everything is going to be alright. It is not in my power to control everything.
It is not in my power to control everything-what a freeing statement.
I am okay, I am free.
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving. I am beginning to look like this guy.
I am stuffed with turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, yams, cranberries, and rolls! I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed. I am stuffed.
....I am stuffed.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Compelled by Love by Heidi Baker pages 68-70
There is this fullness that Jesus promised: "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled" (Matt. 5:6). The Father has invited all of us into His wedding feast to sit with Him, to come and eat. That means no more crumbs, no more stale bread, and no more garbage. We can just come in, let Him hold us, let Him love us and let Him smile on us.
In Mozambique, sometimes when we take the homeless orphans in, they run away and scavenge again in the dark places. But Jesus always leaves the ninety-nine to chase after the one. He always searches for the one lost coin. Jesus kills the fattened calf, throws the best party in town, and promises, "My son...you are always with me, and everything I have is yours." (Luke 15:31)
When everything Jesus has is ours, we can start to feed the nations. Attending a conference is not enough. You must eat and drink until you are dripping Jesus. You must be so full of Him that you start leaking Jesus. You must eat a lot-more than just twice a year. You must eat enough for a nation.
The poor have taught me about hunger and thirst and my own need. In order to function and to make it through one day, I have to spend hours every day alone with my Jesus. I must have His presence or I know I cannot survive. I am often on my face in His presence. So I stay hidden in His heart, soaking in the secret place. If you will look into the eyes of Jesus and eat and fill that hungry place with Him every day, then His passion is alive and burning in your soul.
When I come up from that secret, I sometimes watch blind eyes turn from white to gray to brown as King Jesus heals them; I watch thousand of unreached people bow their knees to Jesus. And I watch previously miserable, abandoned children swing on swing sets as they sing joyful songs to the Lord. My life must be one lived out of fullness and abundance. I will never claim to have anything on my own.
Learn to eat and drink from the Word. Fill your hunger and thirst with the Word. Jesus is the Word-the Bread of Life. See Him in the Word, in the poor, and in the face of the hungry ones on the street.
Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare.-Isaiah 55;1-2
Got to Jesus in faith. Look into His eyes and love Him. Be desperate for more of Him. What we don't have, Jesus has, and He is good; He will give to us. His body and blood are more than enough for all who receive Him.
We must keep testifying to the gospel of God's grace, and out of it we will see more revival. We and the rest of the body of Christ will persevere and do greater things that even Jesus did on Earth, things He has prepared for us to do from before the foundation of the world.
Garden by Misty Edwards
There is this fullness that Jesus promised: "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled" (Matt. 5:6). The Father has invited all of us into His wedding feast to sit with Him, to come and eat. That means no more crumbs, no more stale bread, and no more garbage. We can just come in, let Him hold us, let Him love us and let Him smile on us.
In Mozambique, sometimes when we take the homeless orphans in, they run away and scavenge again in the dark places. But Jesus always leaves the ninety-nine to chase after the one. He always searches for the one lost coin. Jesus kills the fattened calf, throws the best party in town, and promises, "My son...you are always with me, and everything I have is yours." (Luke 15:31)
When everything Jesus has is ours, we can start to feed the nations. Attending a conference is not enough. You must eat and drink until you are dripping Jesus. You must be so full of Him that you start leaking Jesus. You must eat a lot-more than just twice a year. You must eat enough for a nation.
The poor have taught me about hunger and thirst and my own need. In order to function and to make it through one day, I have to spend hours every day alone with my Jesus. I must have His presence or I know I cannot survive. I am often on my face in His presence. So I stay hidden in His heart, soaking in the secret place. If you will look into the eyes of Jesus and eat and fill that hungry place with Him every day, then His passion is alive and burning in your soul.
When I come up from that secret, I sometimes watch blind eyes turn from white to gray to brown as King Jesus heals them; I watch thousand of unreached people bow their knees to Jesus. And I watch previously miserable, abandoned children swing on swing sets as they sing joyful songs to the Lord. My life must be one lived out of fullness and abundance. I will never claim to have anything on my own.
Learn to eat and drink from the Word. Fill your hunger and thirst with the Word. Jesus is the Word-the Bread of Life. See Him in the Word, in the poor, and in the face of the hungry ones on the street.
Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare.-Isaiah 55;1-2
Got to Jesus in faith. Look into His eyes and love Him. Be desperate for more of Him. What we don't have, Jesus has, and He is good; He will give to us. His body and blood are more than enough for all who receive Him.
We must keep testifying to the gospel of God's grace, and out of it we will see more revival. We and the rest of the body of Christ will persevere and do greater things that even Jesus did on Earth, things He has prepared for us to do from before the foundation of the world.
Garden by Misty Edwards
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc.
This is the definition of humility.
I have been learning of a new definition of humility which I realize I lack. I tell people my problems but I never allow there to be a lack of a self shielding. I share my issues but I cover the wound with a saying like "but God will take care of it", "God is good", "God will provide", these are true good saying but my use of these sayings is incorrect. I hardly leave room for a person to notice the pain, confusion, shaking of faith that my issues are causing me. I would like this to change, ultimately this action is pride, it keeps community in boundaries.
Its hard to be vulnerable. Its something many people do not see in the open and when it is seen in the open it causes reactions that many may not want to receive because it calls for change in society, in a individuals life, I don't know why for sure. My heart has changed tho, I am no longer willing to kneel to this action of pride that for me comes from a misunderstanding of Christianity.
I am not closed off to everyone, I share my life with people, what I am writing about is when we close our hearts off from people when it comes to insecurities that we know we need help in but refuse the help by hiding behind phrases. This is an act that I do and I know it is stopping the church from being the church around me. You need opportunities to be the church and I need opportunities to be the sinner in need of the church.
This is nothing new to my mind and I am sure to you who are reading this. This writing has been on my heart for the church and for myself to follow through with more in my life, I am releasing it from my heart for you to read and for you to remember to be vulnerable and not to hide behind feel good phrases. Be your self, let go and be free.
I am trying more in my life to give people more opportunities to be vulnerable, accountable, and cared for more through my arms, words, actions that come from Holy Spirit (hopefully). Mercy, Grace, Peace, Hope, Faith, Love are the weapons of choice for me from God. I hope and will act these out on you when you have a confession, a hurt, a issue with me or the world, confrontation. I want US to be the church and it starts with humility.
I struggle with life.
the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc.
This is the definition of humility.
I have been learning of a new definition of humility which I realize I lack. I tell people my problems but I never allow there to be a lack of a self shielding. I share my issues but I cover the wound with a saying like "but God will take care of it", "God is good", "God will provide", these are true good saying but my use of these sayings is incorrect. I hardly leave room for a person to notice the pain, confusion, shaking of faith that my issues are causing me. I would like this to change, ultimately this action is pride, it keeps community in boundaries.
Its hard to be vulnerable. Its something many people do not see in the open and when it is seen in the open it causes reactions that many may not want to receive because it calls for change in society, in a individuals life, I don't know why for sure. My heart has changed tho, I am no longer willing to kneel to this action of pride that for me comes from a misunderstanding of Christianity.
I am not closed off to everyone, I share my life with people, what I am writing about is when we close our hearts off from people when it comes to insecurities that we know we need help in but refuse the help by hiding behind phrases. This is an act that I do and I know it is stopping the church from being the church around me. You need opportunities to be the church and I need opportunities to be the sinner in need of the church.
This is nothing new to my mind and I am sure to you who are reading this. This writing has been on my heart for the church and for myself to follow through with more in my life, I am releasing it from my heart for you to read and for you to remember to be vulnerable and not to hide behind feel good phrases. Be your self, let go and be free.
I am trying more in my life to give people more opportunities to be vulnerable, accountable, and cared for more through my arms, words, actions that come from Holy Spirit (hopefully). Mercy, Grace, Peace, Hope, Faith, Love are the weapons of choice for me from God. I hope and will act these out on you when you have a confession, a hurt, a issue with me or the world, confrontation. I want US to be the church and it starts with humility.
I struggle with life.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Dear Family,
Awe, it feels good to be back in CA and talk to my good friends here.
I have listen to the Showbread album once through. I am shocked by the mellowness of the album there is not one song with screaming or a good rush tempo. The lyrics are good, honest, straight forward about their views on the world, Christianity, music. I am a big fan of Showbread so I can hear the similarities to their older albums and how this album still is RAW ROCK!
All to write I love Showbread and I think this album is a fresh star for their new additional sound of Raw Rock. If you dislike their older sound, this new sound maybe your cup of tea for Showbread. The songs are slow but have a lot of heart in them.
Awe, it feels good to be back in CA and talk to my good friends here.
I have listen to the Showbread album once through. I am shocked by the mellowness of the album there is not one song with screaming or a good rush tempo. The lyrics are good, honest, straight forward about their views on the world, Christianity, music. I am a big fan of Showbread so I can hear the similarities to their older albums and how this album still is RAW ROCK!
All to write I love Showbread and I think this album is a fresh star for their new additional sound of Raw Rock. If you dislike their older sound, this new sound maybe your cup of tea for Showbread. The songs are slow but have a lot of heart in them.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Dear YWAM Folks
I am in CA and life is great. I have already eaten a bean and cheese burrito with guacamole. Hugged my parents as well thee cat and dog. I can't believe you are 3 hours ahead of Cali time.
I am reading Jurassic Park (still) and almost finished with it! I wish the movie followed the book closer, it would be so much fun and suspense filled.
I will be meeting with a few friends today! I am so excited to hug them and share my heart with them.
Dear Friends of all Over
I have just finished a few books that I would like to share with you.
The Dirty Little Secret: Uncovering the Truth Behind Porn by Craig Gross
I have just finished this book a few days ago and WOW, I found it inspiring to love more in grace and accountability. I dislike a lot of "Christian" books about sex, accountability, pornography, but this book is different because the humility in Craig Gross writing. He admits the struggles of one who has seen and been addicted to pornography rather then over looking the problem. He admits the "Christian" programs in our society is not enough for someone to over come porn but rather it is in our grace, intimacy, and accountability towards each other in the Church that will bring true freedom to someone addicted to porn or abused by porn.
Craig also invites his reader into the porn market, revealing what happens to customers, Porn Stars, porn managers. Its amazing how I forget a Porn Star is a person, is a broken single mother, a desperate husband trying to provide for his wife and kids. Craig reveals the brokenness that I and many more may consider "ugly" and "hard hearted" to be in need of love, care, and a lot less hard hearted then we may judge.
This book put me to shame, lead me to my judgments and my need to apologize to the people trapped in pornography. To listen more to them and have a open heart to receiving them. God loves Porn Stars and I do too.
I would encourage you to read this book because you realize your need for a new out look on people and the grace of Jesus. This book doesn't just tell the gospel story but shows how a person lived the gospel and invites others to join him in living the gospel.
Jesus for President by Shane Claiborne
This book was AMAZING! My heart was transformed in the process of reading this book. Its about the U.S.A, the government in general humanity built, war/violence, juxtapose to Gods government, Jesus' gospel of grace, humility, love your enemy, Gods identity for humanity.
I will warn you if you love your American life, American Jesus, American flag raised high above in the "church" then do not read this book (but I would still encourage you to read the book because you maybe in idolatry with out knowing it). Shane delivers a message about Gods government that is reality and lovely but costly. He writes about the military and soldiers in Iraq, Palestine who are having a hard time finding their identity in the gospel of Jesus because the military is so far from Jesus' gospel. He writes about economy, greed, and our need to change the way we think about money. How to "stick it to the man" only more to receive a way of God.
Above all Shane writes about grace and how grace is not the easy way of life but the quickest way to change a fallen world. Its beautiful how he articulates Gods call and Jesus' life here on earth.
I personally, in reading this book thought is it worth watching violence and squid images for entertainment. My life was changed by reading this book, I don't like violence that much anymore.
I would recommend this book to shake your faith, world view, and understanding of Gods call on his people.
I love you all and think deeply about you all. We only have one life to live so live it intently. Take every moment to love hard.
I am in CA and life is great. I have already eaten a bean and cheese burrito with guacamole. Hugged my parents as well thee cat and dog. I can't believe you are 3 hours ahead of Cali time.
I am reading Jurassic Park (still) and almost finished with it! I wish the movie followed the book closer, it would be so much fun and suspense filled.
I will be meeting with a few friends today! I am so excited to hug them and share my heart with them.
Dear Friends of all Over
I have just finished a few books that I would like to share with you.
The Dirty Little Secret: Uncovering the Truth Behind Porn by Craig Gross
I have just finished this book a few days ago and WOW, I found it inspiring to love more in grace and accountability. I dislike a lot of "Christian" books about sex, accountability, pornography, but this book is different because the humility in Craig Gross writing. He admits the struggles of one who has seen and been addicted to pornography rather then over looking the problem. He admits the "Christian" programs in our society is not enough for someone to over come porn but rather it is in our grace, intimacy, and accountability towards each other in the Church that will bring true freedom to someone addicted to porn or abused by porn.
Craig also invites his reader into the porn market, revealing what happens to customers, Porn Stars, porn managers. Its amazing how I forget a Porn Star is a person, is a broken single mother, a desperate husband trying to provide for his wife and kids. Craig reveals the brokenness that I and many more may consider "ugly" and "hard hearted" to be in need of love, care, and a lot less hard hearted then we may judge.
This book put me to shame, lead me to my judgments and my need to apologize to the people trapped in pornography. To listen more to them and have a open heart to receiving them. God loves Porn Stars and I do too.
I would encourage you to read this book because you realize your need for a new out look on people and the grace of Jesus. This book doesn't just tell the gospel story but shows how a person lived the gospel and invites others to join him in living the gospel.
Jesus for President by Shane Claiborne
This book was AMAZING! My heart was transformed in the process of reading this book. Its about the U.S.A, the government in general humanity built, war/violence, juxtapose to Gods government, Jesus' gospel of grace, humility, love your enemy, Gods identity for humanity.
I will warn you if you love your American life, American Jesus, American flag raised high above in the "church" then do not read this book (but I would still encourage you to read the book because you maybe in idolatry with out knowing it). Shane delivers a message about Gods government that is reality and lovely but costly. He writes about the military and soldiers in Iraq, Palestine who are having a hard time finding their identity in the gospel of Jesus because the military is so far from Jesus' gospel. He writes about economy, greed, and our need to change the way we think about money. How to "stick it to the man" only more to receive a way of God.
Above all Shane writes about grace and how grace is not the easy way of life but the quickest way to change a fallen world. Its beautiful how he articulates Gods call and Jesus' life here on earth.
I personally, in reading this book thought is it worth watching violence and squid images for entertainment. My life was changed by reading this book, I don't like violence that much anymore.
I would recommend this book to shake your faith, world view, and understanding of Gods call on his people.
I love you all and think deeply about you all. We only have one life to live so live it intently. Take every moment to love hard.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Liver
The liver is the largest and most massive internal organ of the human body. The mass of a healthy human liver is approximately 1.2–1.5 kg (2.4–3.0 lb). The liver's mass comprises one-fortieth to one-fiftieth of a total adult body's weight and one-eighteenth of the body's weight during infancy. Located in the upper right part of the abdomen behind the ribs, the liver is dark red-brown organ with a soft, spongy texture that is nearly 15 cm (6 in) thick and consists of two main overlapping lobes (the right lobe and the left lobe).
The magnitude of its mass suggests the liver's vital role in fulfilling the body's metabolic needs and maintaining daily homeostasis. The liver performs more than 500 different functions in the body. As part of the digestive system, the liver aids the body in fat digestion, manufactures and secretes bile, regulates the levels of chemicals in the blood, synthesizes proteins, filters waste products from the bloodstream, and receives nutrient-rich blood from the gastrointestinal tract and either stores or transforms these nutrients into chemicals that are used elsewhere in the body.
The liver possesses the unique ability to regenerate cells that have been destroyed by some short-term injury or disease. However, long-term repeated damage to the liver may result in permanent irreversible changes or damage. Infections or diseases of the liver, often caused by excessive alcohol consumption, may hinder the organ from performing its many essential functions.
I have been thinking about the liver recently, it is one of the most important internal organs of the human body. What has led me to think about the liver is I-as a follower of Christ and how am I meant to live. I want to be a liver-haha get it!
I have always known living is a vital part of following Christ, I realized daily that I would never understand Christ if I had not try to live like Jesus. I do not understand all things that Jesus did, does, is.
How I live. I wake to a lad named Matthew whom is nothing like me in any way- we both try to understand each other and have mercy for each other. I cook and wash dishes for my family friends here at YWAM Boston. I affirm people in their gifts, talents, and random acts of kindness. I listen to people in their glories and mourns. I ask simple questions like "how are you?". I hug the people I know a hug would mean the most to. I try my hardest to keep a open mind to the people here and their opinions on life. I read books based on Christ and world events, I also read fiction books to laugh and lighten others thoughts. I do art. I connect and feel emotion. I play sports when I least want to play them. I try(really hard) to laugh when my friends are joking with me while I am in a pity party, or upset about something. I receive gifts of love and affirmation (most of the time).
These are pieces of how I live. As a liver organ is important for the human body so is the person living for/in the Body of Christ. We must keep living as Christ, we must love as Christ has loved us, we must forgive and have mercy as Christ has done unto us. We love because He first loved us.
This is a story, a message placed in my soul by Holy Spirit. To Him be the love and glory. God is kind and lovely.
Monday, November 1, 2010
1 John 2
Christ Our Advocate
1My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin,(A) we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. 2(B) He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but(C) also for the sins of the whole world. 3And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we(D) keep his commandments. 4Whoever says "I know him" but does not keep his commandments(E) is a liar, and the truth is not in him, 5but whoever(F) keeps his word, in him truly(G) the love of God is perfected.(H) By this we may know that we are in him: 6whoever says he(I) abides in him(J) ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.
The New Commandment
7Beloved, I am writing you(K) no new commandment, but(L) an old commandment(M) that you had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word that you have heard. 8At the same time, it is(N) a new commandment that I am writing to you, which is true in him and in you, because[a](O) the darkness is passing away and(P) the true light is already shining. 9Whoever says he is in the light and(Q) hates his brother is still in darkness. 10Whoever loves his brother abides in the light, and in him[b] there is no(R) cause for stumbling. 11But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and(S) walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.
12I am writing to you, little children,
because(T) your sins are forgiven for his name’s sake.
13I am writing to you, fathers,
because you know(U) him who is from the beginning.
I am writing to you, young men,
because(V) you have overcome the evil one.
I write to you, children,
because(W) you know the Father.
14I write to you, fathers,
because you know(X) him who is from the beginning.
I write to you, young men,
because(Y) you are strong,
and the word of God abides in you,
and you have overcome the evil one.
Do Not Love the World
15(Z) Do not love the world or the things in the world.(AA) If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16For all that is in the world—(AB) the desires of the flesh and(AC) the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world. 17And(AD) the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.
Warning Concerning Antichrists
18Children,(AE) it is the last hour, and as you have heard that(AF) antichrist is coming, so now(AG) many antichrists have come.(AH) Therefore we know that it is the last hour. 19(AI) They went out from us, but they were not of us; for(AJ) if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out,(AK) that it might become plain that they all are not of us. 20But you have been(AL) anointed by(AM) the Holy One, and(AN) you all have knowledge.[c] 21I write to you, not because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and because no lie is of the truth. 22Who is the liar but(AO) he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is(AP) the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son. 23(AQ) No one who denies the Son has the Father. Whoever confesses the Son has the Father also. 24Let(AR) what you heard from the beginning abide in you. If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, then(AS) you too will abide in the Son and in the Father. 25And this is the promise that he made to us[d]—(AT) eternal life.
26I write these things to you about(AU) those who are trying to deceive you. 27But(AV) the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and(AW) you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and(AX) is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in him.
Children of God
28And now, little children, abide in him, so that(AY) when he appears(AZ) we may have confidence and not shrink from him in shame at his(BA) coming. 29If you know that(BB) he is righteous, you may be sure that(BC) everyone who practices righteousness has been born of him.
Christ Our Advocate
1My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin,(A) we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. 2(B) He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but(C) also for the sins of the whole world. 3And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we(D) keep his commandments. 4Whoever says "I know him" but does not keep his commandments(E) is a liar, and the truth is not in him, 5but whoever(F) keeps his word, in him truly(G) the love of God is perfected.(H) By this we may know that we are in him: 6whoever says he(I) abides in him(J) ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.
The New Commandment
7Beloved, I am writing you(K) no new commandment, but(L) an old commandment(M) that you had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word that you have heard. 8At the same time, it is(N) a new commandment that I am writing to you, which is true in him and in you, because[a](O) the darkness is passing away and(P) the true light is already shining. 9Whoever says he is in the light and(Q) hates his brother is still in darkness. 10Whoever loves his brother abides in the light, and in him[b] there is no(R) cause for stumbling. 11But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and(S) walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.
12I am writing to you, little children,
because(T) your sins are forgiven for his name’s sake.
13I am writing to you, fathers,
because you know(U) him who is from the beginning.
I am writing to you, young men,
because(V) you have overcome the evil one.
I write to you, children,
because(W) you know the Father.
14I write to you, fathers,
because you know(X) him who is from the beginning.
I write to you, young men,
because(Y) you are strong,
and the word of God abides in you,
and you have overcome the evil one.
Do Not Love the World
15(Z) Do not love the world or the things in the world.(AA) If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16For all that is in the world—(AB) the desires of the flesh and(AC) the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world. 17And(AD) the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.
Warning Concerning Antichrists
18Children,(AE) it is the last hour, and as you have heard that(AF) antichrist is coming, so now(AG) many antichrists have come.(AH) Therefore we know that it is the last hour. 19(AI) They went out from us, but they were not of us; for(AJ) if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out,(AK) that it might become plain that they all are not of us. 20But you have been(AL) anointed by(AM) the Holy One, and(AN) you all have knowledge.[c] 21I write to you, not because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and because no lie is of the truth. 22Who is the liar but(AO) he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is(AP) the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son. 23(AQ) No one who denies the Son has the Father. Whoever confesses the Son has the Father also. 24Let(AR) what you heard from the beginning abide in you. If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, then(AS) you too will abide in the Son and in the Father. 25And this is the promise that he made to us[d]—(AT) eternal life.
26I write these things to you about(AU) those who are trying to deceive you. 27But(AV) the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and(AW) you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and(AX) is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in him.
Children of God
28And now, little children, abide in him, so that(AY) when he appears(AZ) we may have confidence and not shrink from him in shame at his(BA) coming. 29If you know that(BB) he is righteous, you may be sure that(BC) everyone who practices righteousness has been born of him.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
The Nose.
I have been interested in the NOSE recently because my nose has been smelling a lot of new fragrances. What I have found!
"The olfactory epithelium is an area inside the nose which is responsible for intercepting odors and passing them on to the brain. The mechanics of the olfactory epithelium are not fully understood; this structure contains a huge number of neurons, but the exact way in which they interact with and distinguish between smells is a bit of a mystery. The larger the area covered by the olfactory epithelium, the more neurons, and the better the sense of smell.

Like other layers of epithelial tissue in the body, the olfactory epithelium contains a number of layers of cells. These cells include specialized neurons which communicate with the olfactory bulb via long axons, and olfactory hair cells which have highly sensitive receptors which pick up odors. The olfactory epithelium is also quite delicate, and it can be damaged by exposure to chemicals, strong odors, and head injuries.
The olfactory epithelium is located inside the back of the nose. As people breathe in through the nose, fine hairs and mucus near the opening of the nose trap particles which could be harmful, and the rest of the air passes over the olfactory epithelium. The neurons in the epithelium respond to specific odors and send a signal to the brain to tell it what the nose knows. Essentially, the olfactory epithelium is like a laboratory: when people are exposed to odors, they don't smell them instantly, but rather wait for them to be processed and for their brains to return the results.
WEB: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-the-olfactory-epithelium.htm
Good stuff, fascinating.
I am living now with two Korean families, they welcomed Bob, Matt, and I with open arms. Its great to be around a foreign family, I am learning much about the Korean culture, the history of Korea, the Christianity in Korea, and the language too. I LOVE IT! I think I am turning Korean....
I have been developing my....CHOPSTICK SKILLS! YA!
I eat with chopsticks as much as possible.

I have been learning a lot about the world and life, these are a few things.
I have been feeling the strengthening of Holy Spirit in my soul. He cares so much about me and true comforter, helper, healer, encourager. I appreciate Him very much. I couldn't and wouldn't live this life without Him.
Thanks for reading. Have a blessed day.
I have been interested in the NOSE recently because my nose has been smelling a lot of new fragrances. What I have found!
"The olfactory epithelium is an area inside the nose which is responsible for intercepting odors and passing them on to the brain. The mechanics of the olfactory epithelium are not fully understood; this structure contains a huge number of neurons, but the exact way in which they interact with and distinguish between smells is a bit of a mystery. The larger the area covered by the olfactory epithelium, the more neurons, and the better the sense of smell.

Like other layers of epithelial tissue in the body, the olfactory epithelium contains a number of layers of cells. These cells include specialized neurons which communicate with the olfactory bulb via long axons, and olfactory hair cells which have highly sensitive receptors which pick up odors. The olfactory epithelium is also quite delicate, and it can be damaged by exposure to chemicals, strong odors, and head injuries.
The olfactory epithelium is located inside the back of the nose. As people breathe in through the nose, fine hairs and mucus near the opening of the nose trap particles which could be harmful, and the rest of the air passes over the olfactory epithelium. The neurons in the epithelium respond to specific odors and send a signal to the brain to tell it what the nose knows. Essentially, the olfactory epithelium is like a laboratory: when people are exposed to odors, they don't smell them instantly, but rather wait for them to be processed and for their brains to return the results.
WEB: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-the-olfactory-epithelium.htm
Good stuff, fascinating.
I am living now with two Korean families, they welcomed Bob, Matt, and I with open arms. Its great to be around a foreign family, I am learning much about the Korean culture, the history of Korea, the Christianity in Korea, and the language too. I LOVE IT! I think I am turning Korean....
I have been developing my....CHOPSTICK SKILLS! YA!
I eat with chopsticks as much as possible.

I have been learning a lot about the world and life, these are a few things.
I have been feeling the strengthening of Holy Spirit in my soul. He cares so much about me and true comforter, helper, healer, encourager. I appreciate Him very much. I couldn't and wouldn't live this life without Him.
Thanks for reading. Have a blessed day.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Can I tell you a story
As we dance while the sun starts to bleed
Song of songs love is calling
Daughter wake up from your sleep
Refined I’ll become the most dazzling precious treasure
I’ll be treasured over all the earth
Bearing the gift of a new heart
Patience ablaze
I’m slowly burning
Refined I'll become the most dazzling precious treasure
I'll be treasured over all the earth
Refined I'll become the most dazzling precious treasure
I'll be treasured over all the earth
I am in awe and in shock
I’m in love and given away
I’m reserved with these words
Can I tell you a story
As we dance while the Son starts to bleed
Trees rejoice with the wind here
Hallelujah, Yeshua
Tonight I’ve become the most dazzling precious
I am treasured over all the earth
Just look at what he’s done
How he’s laying down his life
Take this life
oh most dazzling precious treasure
Tonight I’ve become the most dazzling precious treasure
I am treasured over all the earth
Can I tell you a story
As we dance while the sun starts to bleed
Song of songs love is calling
Daughter wake up from your sleep
Refined I’ll become the most dazzling precious treasure
I’ll be treasured over all the earth
Bearing the gift of a new heart
Patience ablaze
I’m slowly burning
Refined I'll become the most dazzling precious treasure
I'll be treasured over all the earth
Refined I'll become the most dazzling precious treasure
I'll be treasured over all the earth
I am in awe and in shock
I’m in love and given away
I’m reserved with these words
Can I tell you a story
As we dance while the Son starts to bleed
Trees rejoice with the wind here
Hallelujah, Yeshua
Tonight I’ve become the most dazzling precious
I am treasured over all the earth
Just look at what he’s done
How he’s laying down his life
Take this life
oh most dazzling precious treasure
Tonight I’ve become the most dazzling precious treasure
I am treasured over all the earth
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Dear Family,
Tis the eve of DTS and some are running as if their heads were severed like chickens.
I have been noticing pain today, what pain does to a person, the out comes of pain, the reactions of a person in and around pain. Today a friend of mine felt jaded by the organization I work for, he sighed, spoke some words that showed he felt overlooked and it was true his possession was token from him without question. A friend and I both looked at each other, in noticing our friend was hurt and felt a betrayal, we did our work and left with a sense of compassion and sincerity towards each other. Earlier (jokingly) a friend and I fought over 'shotgun' (getting the front passenger seat) looking out for our selves but at the end we did not play games rather we were preferring one another. It was strange and all because of our friends reaction to his possessions being token.
Later today, another friend of mine whom is a foreigner had a down cast countenance to him. I asked him what is wrong how can I encourage him, he told me and after that my heart broke for him. Language differences, new city, and a lot of new faces had him stuck and I decided to love him even more after hearing his heart.
I have to go! Its a rush day! In the end LOVE, HOPE, FAITH, are the greatest gifts to walk in. Strive for LOVE.
Tis the eve of DTS and some are running as if their heads were severed like chickens.
I have been noticing pain today, what pain does to a person, the out comes of pain, the reactions of a person in and around pain. Today a friend of mine felt jaded by the organization I work for, he sighed, spoke some words that showed he felt overlooked and it was true his possession was token from him without question. A friend and I both looked at each other, in noticing our friend was hurt and felt a betrayal, we did our work and left with a sense of compassion and sincerity towards each other. Earlier (jokingly) a friend and I fought over 'shotgun' (getting the front passenger seat) looking out for our selves but at the end we did not play games rather we were preferring one another. It was strange and all because of our friends reaction to his possessions being token.
Later today, another friend of mine whom is a foreigner had a down cast countenance to him. I asked him what is wrong how can I encourage him, he told me and after that my heart broke for him. Language differences, new city, and a lot of new faces had him stuck and I decided to love him even more after hearing his heart.
I have to go! Its a rush day! In the end LOVE, HOPE, FAITH, are the greatest gifts to walk in. Strive for LOVE.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Dear Family,
My family is now arriving in Boston and I am so stoked! I get to hug them, if there is anything I want most right now is to hug them. I cant wait to enjoy their presence, enjoy talking with them and laughing with them. Hear their voice in the same room and not over a phone. Awe I am excited to be with them!
I am working on a wall as an art piece, hopefully it works out fine. I am painting and there is dimensions I am painting and at the moment it looks flat. Oh how I need to go to art school....
Today I was climbing up a latter and on the last step up I hit my knee. It was so painful! Now I am walking with a bruise on my knee. Hopefully I will be able to run still.
These last few days have been hard and I have been getting a lot of encouragements from my friends. They have been telling me to be confident in myself and not to back down from whom God has made me to be.
Yesterday I went to the beach and sat in Gods presence for a few hours, just chatting, asking Him my questions, listening to his response. There is some hurt in my heart that is being healed at the moment by Gods hand. He is kind to be walking through these hurts with me. I know that I will love even more while and after these hurts are healed.
If you are wondering about Hilary and I, well I did break up with her. It wasn't working out. She is amazing. I care for her as a friend and that is all I can give at the moment.
I have been thinking about identity a lot recently, without a official home, without a title at work, without being in the "in" crowd at Boston, I kinda have been realizing I identify myself with all these things or have a desire to have an identity in these thing. I have been asking myself again "What does it mean to have an identity in Christ again?", I have been receiving words from the Lord and actions for daily living. I am realizing (nothing deep) servant hood is a piece of me and a big piece of what Jesus calls me to be. I also have been realizing I need to enjoy the person that is right in front of me rather then thinking "oh I need to be here" or "I wish I could go there", or "I wish I was with someone else". (You see my selfishness, repentance is coming!) God is correcting my thinking, my emotions. Why should I try to be with someone or a group of people who don't want me around or don't connect with me.
A transformation is happening in the mind and its a really good one.
I had received prayer for my mentality over the last week with some friends that I trust really hear from God. One friend of mine is Helen Lee (whom leads that prayer ministry at Cornerstone) she prayed for me and my head was becoming placid in thought, my atmosphere was changing, the tension in my body was released and I could feel freedom again as if I were a child again. It was so sweet, lovely and I thought about turning my heart from the freedom but I knew this is what God wanted for me so I tried to embrace it even more in my heart. The rest of the day I sat at the beach with Jesus.
I am reading Jurassic Park and ITS AMAZING! I am loving every page of it!
Thank you for your prayers, they mean a lot. I know that God is hearing your prayers because submitting, humbling myself, hearing His voice, loving others in the mist of craziness has been accomplished easier then before. Thank you for your prayers. I am praying for many of you.
Please love each other, care for one another, take care of the poor as much as possible, keep doing good!
My family is now arriving in Boston and I am so stoked! I get to hug them, if there is anything I want most right now is to hug them. I cant wait to enjoy their presence, enjoy talking with them and laughing with them. Hear their voice in the same room and not over a phone. Awe I am excited to be with them!
I am working on a wall as an art piece, hopefully it works out fine. I am painting and there is dimensions I am painting and at the moment it looks flat. Oh how I need to go to art school....
Today I was climbing up a latter and on the last step up I hit my knee. It was so painful! Now I am walking with a bruise on my knee. Hopefully I will be able to run still.
These last few days have been hard and I have been getting a lot of encouragements from my friends. They have been telling me to be confident in myself and not to back down from whom God has made me to be.
Yesterday I went to the beach and sat in Gods presence for a few hours, just chatting, asking Him my questions, listening to his response. There is some hurt in my heart that is being healed at the moment by Gods hand. He is kind to be walking through these hurts with me. I know that I will love even more while and after these hurts are healed.
If you are wondering about Hilary and I, well I did break up with her. It wasn't working out. She is amazing. I care for her as a friend and that is all I can give at the moment.
I have been thinking about identity a lot recently, without a official home, without a title at work, without being in the "in" crowd at Boston, I kinda have been realizing I identify myself with all these things or have a desire to have an identity in these thing. I have been asking myself again "What does it mean to have an identity in Christ again?", I have been receiving words from the Lord and actions for daily living. I am realizing (nothing deep) servant hood is a piece of me and a big piece of what Jesus calls me to be. I also have been realizing I need to enjoy the person that is right in front of me rather then thinking "oh I need to be here" or "I wish I could go there", or "I wish I was with someone else". (You see my selfishness, repentance is coming!) God is correcting my thinking, my emotions. Why should I try to be with someone or a group of people who don't want me around or don't connect with me.
A transformation is happening in the mind and its a really good one.
I had received prayer for my mentality over the last week with some friends that I trust really hear from God. One friend of mine is Helen Lee (whom leads that prayer ministry at Cornerstone) she prayed for me and my head was becoming placid in thought, my atmosphere was changing, the tension in my body was released and I could feel freedom again as if I were a child again. It was so sweet, lovely and I thought about turning my heart from the freedom but I knew this is what God wanted for me so I tried to embrace it even more in my heart. The rest of the day I sat at the beach with Jesus.
I am reading Jurassic Park and ITS AMAZING! I am loving every page of it!
Thank you for your prayers, they mean a lot. I know that God is hearing your prayers because submitting, humbling myself, hearing His voice, loving others in the mist of craziness has been accomplished easier then before. Thank you for your prayers. I am praying for many of you.
Please love each other, care for one another, take care of the poor as much as possible, keep doing good!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Dear Family,
Yesterday I went out with a friend of mine, we dined at the Cheesecake Factory which was my first official time eating there and it was very good. He went off to use the restroom and I sat alone for a moment looking around me, subtly I thought to my self (and to God whom sees and hears all things) "God, these people eat, sit with nice clothing, involved in their own lives, talk of friends, money, vacations but they will never know of You or your plans. What you are doing unless someone tells them or you tell them, or they really seek it out. I personally, hardly know what Your doing below the mainstream of life."
Suddenly in my soul a desire to know God more, to hear his voice more, to obey more came beneath my spirit and strengthened me to keep going after God. It was silent, quick, steamy, and thrilling to my soul to remember God works underground and I need to be ready to receive and give all that I can when He calls my name out to work/play with Him.
A couple of days ago, I was walking down the street and was in the center of a parking lot. The wind blew over my tense body, between my finger tips. As it blew upon me it blew over and through the trees that were around me in a distance, I could hear the trees shaking and laughing as the wind blew. The sun was high above and it laid warmth and light around me that made all thing beautiful. I sighed and then knew God cared about me, He knows my needs, He knows my joys and fears. He cares about me, thats it and thats all, He cares.
I have a lot of simple moments like this through out my day. It may sound fairy, weird but I don't think it is, I am just not taking these short moments for granted but engaging in them with my heart to love God with my soul.
Meet God in all thinks you do. Its simple. I am going to the beach now.
Yesterday I went out with a friend of mine, we dined at the Cheesecake Factory which was my first official time eating there and it was very good. He went off to use the restroom and I sat alone for a moment looking around me, subtly I thought to my self (and to God whom sees and hears all things) "God, these people eat, sit with nice clothing, involved in their own lives, talk of friends, money, vacations but they will never know of You or your plans. What you are doing unless someone tells them or you tell them, or they really seek it out. I personally, hardly know what Your doing below the mainstream of life."
Suddenly in my soul a desire to know God more, to hear his voice more, to obey more came beneath my spirit and strengthened me to keep going after God. It was silent, quick, steamy, and thrilling to my soul to remember God works underground and I need to be ready to receive and give all that I can when He calls my name out to work/play with Him.
A couple of days ago, I was walking down the street and was in the center of a parking lot. The wind blew over my tense body, between my finger tips. As it blew upon me it blew over and through the trees that were around me in a distance, I could hear the trees shaking and laughing as the wind blew. The sun was high above and it laid warmth and light around me that made all thing beautiful. I sighed and then knew God cared about me, He knows my needs, He knows my joys and fears. He cares about me, thats it and thats all, He cares.
I have a lot of simple moments like this through out my day. It may sound fairy, weird but I don't think it is, I am just not taking these short moments for granted but engaging in them with my heart to love God with my soul.
Meet God in all thinks you do. Its simple. I am going to the beach now.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Dear Family,
These last few days have been hectic, we had a Northeastern Leaders conference at our base, we moved into a new house last week and this coming week we will have DTS beginning, I will also have my parents coming next week to Boston! :)
My thoughts are not doing me well in the last week, I have been analyzing myself so much this week that I have withdrawn from many people I love here at the base. Last night I realized I left Gods perspective out of my analyzing of myself which lead me to damage myself more then help me. Then this morning we had a moment to get with God in small groups and cry out to God that we need Him deeper in our lives, which drew out my thoughts(it was a mess).
Last night I was running thinking about how alone I was and felt it was right for me to be alone because nobody really wants to be with anyone as they may be thinking over life. Then suddenly God hit me with a memory or not a memory but familiar words that are
"I always want to be with you. You may not want me or anyone else around in these moments but I want to be with you. I will never leave you, nor forget you, I want to be with you."
My heart jumped subtly inside my chest because it was the most positive thought in my head at the moment and I knew it was truth from Gods lips. I knew in my heart, tho I make a mess of myself He still comes for me.
Today has been a day of surrendering my thought life to God. God knows its not easy but I need to calm my thoughts, take in His thoughts more. I have a good all around view of myself in my head, I know when I am being prideful, jealous, rude, crude, most of the roots of my harshness which makes me want to just say nothing most of the time but I need forgiveness too. I need to allow myself to live and not worry about my motives. JUST ENJOY LIFE MORE!!!
I remember when I began to think analytically, I was in junior year of high school, my brother began college and would talk intellectually with me, I went to collage bible studies, hang out with collage students, hang out with a lot of adults that had awesome logic! With hanging out with so many intellects I forgot my childish enjoyment of living, being in the moment, enjoying the sun on my back and the wind blowing over my finger tips. I rather enjoyed reading and gaining knowledge and understanding to serve others, to correct injustice in the world. My desire to study was good but I then became addicted to gaining more information that I forgot to see where I was headed mentally.
I remember Holy Spirit telling me to slow down in my knowledge gain and remember Him, to practice what I've received before going onto a new way of life. I rejected His words which now I am stuck in not stopping my thoughts. I have always been a deep thinker, I understand a lot of thing and have a very different way of thinking naturally but it wasn't enough to me. I wanted to be cool and have all the knowledge I could get in my brain but I am accepting that I cant have all the knowledge. I cant over analyze life and the motive of my living because Paul the apostle wrote to the Corinthians
"3But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by any human court. In fact, I do not even judge myself. 4 For I am not aware of anything against myself, but I am not thereby acquitted. It is the Lord who judges me. 5Therefore do not pronounce judgment before the time, before the Lord comes, who will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart. Then each one will receive his commendation from God." 1 Corinthians 4:3-5 ESV
I cant judge myself, my thoughts, anything because in the end God alone is the perfect judge and knows best. There is another version of this scripture that says
"3 As for me, it matters very little how I might be evaluated by you or by any human authority. I don’t even trust my own judgment on this point. 4 My conscience is clear, but that doesn’t prove I’m right. It is the Lord himself who will examine me and decide.
5 So don’t make judgments about anyone ahead of time—before the Lord returns. For he will bring our darkest secrets to light and will reveal our private motives. Then God will give to each one whatever praise is due."(NIV)
I am holding close to this right now for freedom, for hope, and faith that in the end God would judge my heart as his.
I am closing my mind and allowing myself to be dumb for a while, I am turning off music that makes me think deeply, not watching shows or movies that make me think deeply, I am trying to be free.
I am ready to just live right now.
Thanks for reading, I love you all. I will write a lot more about life later! PEACE!!!
These last few days have been hectic, we had a Northeastern Leaders conference at our base, we moved into a new house last week and this coming week we will have DTS beginning, I will also have my parents coming next week to Boston! :)
My thoughts are not doing me well in the last week, I have been analyzing myself so much this week that I have withdrawn from many people I love here at the base. Last night I realized I left Gods perspective out of my analyzing of myself which lead me to damage myself more then help me. Then this morning we had a moment to get with God in small groups and cry out to God that we need Him deeper in our lives, which drew out my thoughts(it was a mess).
Last night I was running thinking about how alone I was and felt it was right for me to be alone because nobody really wants to be with anyone as they may be thinking over life. Then suddenly God hit me with a memory or not a memory but familiar words that are
"I always want to be with you. You may not want me or anyone else around in these moments but I want to be with you. I will never leave you, nor forget you, I want to be with you."
My heart jumped subtly inside my chest because it was the most positive thought in my head at the moment and I knew it was truth from Gods lips. I knew in my heart, tho I make a mess of myself He still comes for me.
Today has been a day of surrendering my thought life to God. God knows its not easy but I need to calm my thoughts, take in His thoughts more. I have a good all around view of myself in my head, I know when I am being prideful, jealous, rude, crude, most of the roots of my harshness which makes me want to just say nothing most of the time but I need forgiveness too. I need to allow myself to live and not worry about my motives. JUST ENJOY LIFE MORE!!!
I remember when I began to think analytically, I was in junior year of high school, my brother began college and would talk intellectually with me, I went to collage bible studies, hang out with collage students, hang out with a lot of adults that had awesome logic! With hanging out with so many intellects I forgot my childish enjoyment of living, being in the moment, enjoying the sun on my back and the wind blowing over my finger tips. I rather enjoyed reading and gaining knowledge and understanding to serve others, to correct injustice in the world. My desire to study was good but I then became addicted to gaining more information that I forgot to see where I was headed mentally.
I remember Holy Spirit telling me to slow down in my knowledge gain and remember Him, to practice what I've received before going onto a new way of life. I rejected His words which now I am stuck in not stopping my thoughts. I have always been a deep thinker, I understand a lot of thing and have a very different way of thinking naturally but it wasn't enough to me. I wanted to be cool and have all the knowledge I could get in my brain but I am accepting that I cant have all the knowledge. I cant over analyze life and the motive of my living because Paul the apostle wrote to the Corinthians
"3But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by any human court. In fact, I do not even judge myself. 4 For I am not aware of anything against myself, but I am not thereby acquitted. It is the Lord who judges me. 5Therefore do not pronounce judgment before the time, before the Lord comes, who will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart. Then each one will receive his commendation from God." 1 Corinthians 4:3-5 ESV
I cant judge myself, my thoughts, anything because in the end God alone is the perfect judge and knows best. There is another version of this scripture that says
"3 As for me, it matters very little how I might be evaluated by you or by any human authority. I don’t even trust my own judgment on this point. 4 My conscience is clear, but that doesn’t prove I’m right. It is the Lord himself who will examine me and decide.
5 So don’t make judgments about anyone ahead of time—before the Lord returns. For he will bring our darkest secrets to light and will reveal our private motives. Then God will give to each one whatever praise is due."(NIV)
I am holding close to this right now for freedom, for hope, and faith that in the end God would judge my heart as his.
I am closing my mind and allowing myself to be dumb for a while, I am turning off music that makes me think deeply, not watching shows or movies that make me think deeply, I am trying to be free.
I am ready to just live right now.
Thanks for reading, I love you all. I will write a lot more about life later! PEACE!!!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Wow I haven't written much recently!
I am working on new art!
I am remembering servant-hood is a very important part of walking with Jesus. I have been thinking not so clearly about others and myself which has led me to a conceive mind set. Thankfully God knocked me on the head with a coconut of understanding that is from His mercy.
I have been reading Jurassic Park, Jesus for President, God on Campus consistently, these books have been inspiring me in creativity and living for Jesus in radical ordinary ways! (Well Jurassic Park is inspiring creativity.)
I led out two Outreaches with the YWAM team which was great! I was happy to help the team in leading them to places to tell people about Jesus.
I sat with my friends and enjoyed a show "The Event", we are hooked and its becoming a weekly thing, subtly, thankfully. I love being with my friends and having something to do with them outside of the office!
Cornerstone (which is my local church in Boston) is going good. The last few weekends have been exciting because Gods spirit seems to be empowering people to grow and step into new areas of life. This last weekend Hilary and I went out with a group of people from Cornerstone for lunch! I had ribs, she had a beef sandwich with cheese on it (it was amazingly good). We after went to their apartment to play cards and enjoy the company of each other.
I have been running mornings and evenings four days out of the week. My time of running was 25 minutes for 2.1 miles, my running time now is 17 minutes for 2.1 miles. I have beat my time by 7 minutes. I am grate full for legs to run, when I run I feel so free. While I run I pray for Boston, Newton, friends, family, myself (sadly more then for others). Running is a good time for me to get my head clear and emotions out that I felt through a busy day.
Hilary and I are dating! This girl is awesome, really fun to be with, work with, serve and serve with. Its not easy, I have not been a part of a relationship for a while and I forget or do not know how to respond to her at moments. We are both learning how to love God and care for each other at the same time.
Hilary is a musician, actress, dancer, song writer, she enjoys nature, she likes to read fiction books and theology books. Her heart is for helping/living with the poor, telling people about Jesus with words and her actions. She got my attention when she silenced my thoughts about life, at moments I get so downcast about life, the direction of the world, and how Jesus would like us to live, she then said to me as I was finished saying all my pessimistic thoughts out loud "Jordan, Jesus loves you." Then she walked away as to say Jesus died for you to not worry about these things but to live and be able to be loved by Him, its not about you. I became silent and rethought my life and way of thinking. This was the one of a few moments I realized THIS GIRL IS AWESOME.
Her and I have gone through a rough moment but we are getting through it and encouraging each other with care. Its good.
Yeah, I am learning a lot and living life and not just sitting on the side lines.
Art I hope will be up. I keep saying that and never do it but its because I forget or after a art piece I dislike it and find it unworthy to be seen.
Thank you for your love and support.
Keep doing the will of God and look for Him in all things. Do not be deceived by false doctrine, theology, philosophy, the gospel is that God came in flesh to love us and save us from our down fall.
I am working on new art!
I am remembering servant-hood is a very important part of walking with Jesus. I have been thinking not so clearly about others and myself which has led me to a conceive mind set. Thankfully God knocked me on the head with a coconut of understanding that is from His mercy.
I have been reading Jurassic Park, Jesus for President, God on Campus consistently, these books have been inspiring me in creativity and living for Jesus in radical ordinary ways! (Well Jurassic Park is inspiring creativity.)
I led out two Outreaches with the YWAM team which was great! I was happy to help the team in leading them to places to tell people about Jesus.
I sat with my friends and enjoyed a show "The Event", we are hooked and its becoming a weekly thing, subtly, thankfully. I love being with my friends and having something to do with them outside of the office!
Cornerstone (which is my local church in Boston) is going good. The last few weekends have been exciting because Gods spirit seems to be empowering people to grow and step into new areas of life. This last weekend Hilary and I went out with a group of people from Cornerstone for lunch! I had ribs, she had a beef sandwich with cheese on it (it was amazingly good). We after went to their apartment to play cards and enjoy the company of each other.
I have been running mornings and evenings four days out of the week. My time of running was 25 minutes for 2.1 miles, my running time now is 17 minutes for 2.1 miles. I have beat my time by 7 minutes. I am grate full for legs to run, when I run I feel so free. While I run I pray for Boston, Newton, friends, family, myself (sadly more then for others). Running is a good time for me to get my head clear and emotions out that I felt through a busy day.
Hilary and I are dating! This girl is awesome, really fun to be with, work with, serve and serve with. Its not easy, I have not been a part of a relationship for a while and I forget or do not know how to respond to her at moments. We are both learning how to love God and care for each other at the same time.
Hilary is a musician, actress, dancer, song writer, she enjoys nature, she likes to read fiction books and theology books. Her heart is for helping/living with the poor, telling people about Jesus with words and her actions. She got my attention when she silenced my thoughts about life, at moments I get so downcast about life, the direction of the world, and how Jesus would like us to live, she then said to me as I was finished saying all my pessimistic thoughts out loud "Jordan, Jesus loves you." Then she walked away as to say Jesus died for you to not worry about these things but to live and be able to be loved by Him, its not about you. I became silent and rethought my life and way of thinking. This was the one of a few moments I realized THIS GIRL IS AWESOME.
Her and I have gone through a rough moment but we are getting through it and encouraging each other with care. Its good.
Yeah, I am learning a lot and living life and not just sitting on the side lines.
Art I hope will be up. I keep saying that and never do it but its because I forget or after a art piece I dislike it and find it unworthy to be seen.
Thank you for your love and support.
Keep doing the will of God and look for Him in all things. Do not be deceived by false doctrine, theology, philosophy, the gospel is that God came in flesh to love us and save us from our down fall.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Dear Family
If you would like to see some photos of Iceland go to this site on Facebook.com. My friend Sophia took some great photos that you can see.
Dalvik, Iceland
Reykjavik, Iceland
Stykkisholmur, Iceland
These are the three places to take a look at when you get here.
Iceland is a great place, my heart breaks and rejoices over the land. God will move in unknown ways as life goes on. I met many great folks but only few were ready to truly accept Christ as the savior of their lives. The few that made that change had a real turn around but they could turn back around and God will protect them from any evil that may come to pull them away from Gods heart.
It was a lot of hard work but worth it for God. I met Him everyday and He was the best part of the trip, sharing His love with me on this trip. Before the trip I finished this book call "Christ the Sum of all Spiritual things" by Watchman Nee. This book took me back to the foundations of faith, hope, and love which is Christ. I was convicted of asking God for things, characteristics that I lack, talents that I lack, asking Him for such crap. Then He encouraged me to read this book so I did, as I read it I began to come back to Him, to Jesus as a person more then a provider of things. On this trip I was filled with jealousy and envy but Christ kept showing up as I spoke to Him, He spoke back to me encouragements to keep going and fighting for unity in the team, for the people He wants me to speak to. He was my most encouraging friend on this trip to Iceland.
How I knew God was using me and watching out for me was by faith that He would not shun me from His presence. I desired to turn from my wicked ways so I let the Holy Spirit fight to end these thoughts and desires in my heart. I gave up on trying to be the best, the most "holy", and live as Jordan-a simple man whom knows jack about life but is willing to walk with Jesus.
I did not share much of this with a friend that I was talking to but he noticed my struggle. With knowing these things about me he said this to me
"A friend of mine use to say 'I love Jesus' then my friend went through a hard time and stopped saying 'I love Jesus'. I asked him why he stopped saying that, he then said 'because I do hurtful things and when I do hurtful things its not loving Jesus so now I say, Jesus loves me.'
1 john is one of my favorite letters in the New Testament. In this book it talks about love and how love is that God first loved us (to the point of death). The gospel of Jesus is becoming clearer and clearer as I was with Jesus. I am realizing I have less to give to people as Jordan and more to give to people as Jordan a guy whom knows jack about life but is willing to walk with Jesus. Jesus is all that can be good to give to another person whether it be through tongue, works, thought, time, touch, make sure you give them Jesus.
Yup this is my internal thoughts, realizations, and break downs. God is awesome and walks with sinners that are made saints by His love and affections.
There are a few cool stories I have about Iceland.
1: On one of the last 3 days of our reach, I was talking with a friend but I knew that wasn't where I belonged. Suddenly a man was walking behind me and the Holy Spirit spoke to me to go talk to him, I thought no this guy looks shady. This man is a homeless guy with a gash wound on his noise and forehead, it was clear he was not doing well. I then followed Gods movement, walked up to him and asked this man how he was doing. His response was not surprising "Terrible". I asked him if I could pray for him, he accepted it, I closed my eyes, prayed, opened my eyes looked up to make eye contact, and he is crying. I asked him again how is he doing, he said this to me. "I walk around these streets no one looks at me, talks to me, people make away around me so they don't need to be near me. But you walked up to me and talked to me, you cared for me." I was grate full to talk with him and share Gods love with him. I stood with him and talked to him for a while, it was clear he was lonely, as I talked with him I told him about Gods love. It was cool and I am sure he is still talking with God. I was shamed and God was glorified, it was cool.
2: I was talking with some teens who are great skaters. I told them about Gods voice and how he shares things with me, talks to me, even talks to me when he wants something said to another person. They were amazed that God could talk to us present day and wanted to know this God so I told them about knowing God through Jesus. They accepted Christ to have this relationship with God. After I did not want to leave them with out having someone else pray with them to hear Gods voice so I got one of the head leaders on the team to explain it hearing Gods voice in another way and pray for them. These guys were genuine and hopefully still going for Gods presence.
I am trusting God with these people, we directed them to people who have a relationship with God and are seeking Him daily. It was a great trip over all! Iceland is beautiful so take a look at the photos on facebook. I am still learning how to follow Jesus, not perfect just forgiven, you know.
Thank you for reading.
Thank you Jesus for allowing me to go to Iceland, see you move in the heart of Icelanders, in the J.G. team hearts, in my heart. God you are a caring God. Thank you for being great and still desiring us to be in your presence after all that we have done to you, to your name, thank you for not giving up on us. You are love and lovely.Thank you Jesus, let continue our day together.
If you would like to see some photos of Iceland go to this site on Facebook.com. My friend Sophia took some great photos that you can see.
Dalvik, Iceland
Reykjavik, Iceland
Stykkisholmur, Iceland
These are the three places to take a look at when you get here.
Iceland is a great place, my heart breaks and rejoices over the land. God will move in unknown ways as life goes on. I met many great folks but only few were ready to truly accept Christ as the savior of their lives. The few that made that change had a real turn around but they could turn back around and God will protect them from any evil that may come to pull them away from Gods heart.
It was a lot of hard work but worth it for God. I met Him everyday and He was the best part of the trip, sharing His love with me on this trip. Before the trip I finished this book call "Christ the Sum of all Spiritual things" by Watchman Nee. This book took me back to the foundations of faith, hope, and love which is Christ. I was convicted of asking God for things, characteristics that I lack, talents that I lack, asking Him for such crap. Then He encouraged me to read this book so I did, as I read it I began to come back to Him, to Jesus as a person more then a provider of things. On this trip I was filled with jealousy and envy but Christ kept showing up as I spoke to Him, He spoke back to me encouragements to keep going and fighting for unity in the team, for the people He wants me to speak to. He was my most encouraging friend on this trip to Iceland.
How I knew God was using me and watching out for me was by faith that He would not shun me from His presence. I desired to turn from my wicked ways so I let the Holy Spirit fight to end these thoughts and desires in my heart. I gave up on trying to be the best, the most "holy", and live as Jordan-a simple man whom knows jack about life but is willing to walk with Jesus.
I did not share much of this with a friend that I was talking to but he noticed my struggle. With knowing these things about me he said this to me
"A friend of mine use to say 'I love Jesus' then my friend went through a hard time and stopped saying 'I love Jesus'. I asked him why he stopped saying that, he then said 'because I do hurtful things and when I do hurtful things its not loving Jesus so now I say, Jesus loves me.'
1 john is one of my favorite letters in the New Testament. In this book it talks about love and how love is that God first loved us (to the point of death). The gospel of Jesus is becoming clearer and clearer as I was with Jesus. I am realizing I have less to give to people as Jordan and more to give to people as Jordan a guy whom knows jack about life but is willing to walk with Jesus. Jesus is all that can be good to give to another person whether it be through tongue, works, thought, time, touch, make sure you give them Jesus.
Yup this is my internal thoughts, realizations, and break downs. God is awesome and walks with sinners that are made saints by His love and affections.
There are a few cool stories I have about Iceland.
1: On one of the last 3 days of our reach, I was talking with a friend but I knew that wasn't where I belonged. Suddenly a man was walking behind me and the Holy Spirit spoke to me to go talk to him, I thought no this guy looks shady. This man is a homeless guy with a gash wound on his noise and forehead, it was clear he was not doing well. I then followed Gods movement, walked up to him and asked this man how he was doing. His response was not surprising "Terrible". I asked him if I could pray for him, he accepted it, I closed my eyes, prayed, opened my eyes looked up to make eye contact, and he is crying. I asked him again how is he doing, he said this to me. "I walk around these streets no one looks at me, talks to me, people make away around me so they don't need to be near me. But you walked up to me and talked to me, you cared for me." I was grate full to talk with him and share Gods love with him. I stood with him and talked to him for a while, it was clear he was lonely, as I talked with him I told him about Gods love. It was cool and I am sure he is still talking with God. I was shamed and God was glorified, it was cool.
2: I was talking with some teens who are great skaters. I told them about Gods voice and how he shares things with me, talks to me, even talks to me when he wants something said to another person. They were amazed that God could talk to us present day and wanted to know this God so I told them about knowing God through Jesus. They accepted Christ to have this relationship with God. After I did not want to leave them with out having someone else pray with them to hear Gods voice so I got one of the head leaders on the team to explain it hearing Gods voice in another way and pray for them. These guys were genuine and hopefully still going for Gods presence.
I am trusting God with these people, we directed them to people who have a relationship with God and are seeking Him daily. It was a great trip over all! Iceland is beautiful so take a look at the photos on facebook. I am still learning how to follow Jesus, not perfect just forgiven, you know.
Thank you for reading.
Thank you Jesus for allowing me to go to Iceland, see you move in the heart of Icelanders, in the J.G. team hearts, in my heart. God you are a caring God. Thank you for being great and still desiring us to be in your presence after all that we have done to you, to your name, thank you for not giving up on us. You are love and lovely.Thank you Jesus, let continue our day together.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Dear Friends,
Things have been changing in my life and in many other peoples lives.
We have been sitting in prayer for the last few nights asking Jesus to move in our core so that we may bring glory to him here on earth. Yup, I have been encouraging others to love their neighbors more. I have been for once in my life apart of a healing, I was walking down the hall saw my friend limping asked "what is wrong?", he then told me about his knee with not even a thought of faith or waiting of the presence of God I knelt down touched his knee ask/command the knee to be healed. The knee was healed by Jesus.
Last night we prayed over our generations issues, asking for lies to be torn down from our generation.
The guys put a list of things to avoid to not step into sexual sin.
I am becoming more expression with Jesus, allowing myself to be free to praise God, worship him when it seems time to.
I am developing dances so expect a release of videos of dances in the fall!
Okay, I love you all. I still need financial help with Iceland so please if you can spare 15$ or more to this trip God has placed me on then please donate to me through ywamboston.org. Thanks
p.s. Iceland was almost to a close for me but by Gods faithfulness enough money came in to help me get a plane ticket. I still need 700$, please every little bit helps.
Things have been changing in my life and in many other peoples lives.
We have been sitting in prayer for the last few nights asking Jesus to move in our core so that we may bring glory to him here on earth. Yup, I have been encouraging others to love their neighbors more. I have been for once in my life apart of a healing, I was walking down the hall saw my friend limping asked "what is wrong?", he then told me about his knee with not even a thought of faith or waiting of the presence of God I knelt down touched his knee ask/command the knee to be healed. The knee was healed by Jesus.
Last night we prayed over our generations issues, asking for lies to be torn down from our generation.
The guys put a list of things to avoid to not step into sexual sin.
I am becoming more expression with Jesus, allowing myself to be free to praise God, worship him when it seems time to.
I am developing dances so expect a release of videos of dances in the fall!
Okay, I love you all. I still need financial help with Iceland so please if you can spare 15$ or more to this trip God has placed me on then please donate to me through ywamboston.org. Thanks
p.s. Iceland was almost to a close for me but by Gods faithfulness enough money came in to help me get a plane ticket. I still need 700$, please every little bit helps.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Dear Family
J.G. is going SO great. Teens lives are being healed, perspective of God, Jesus, Holy Spirit are being changed, dedication to God is beginning to develop more! Its awesome, good things are happening.
I am being inspired to be more for Jesus and after him in new ways. I have noticed a lot of envy and jealousy in my thoughts and emotions which lead me to do hurtful things to others, I have been asking God to change these things, he has slowly been doing it. Its awesome, still a mess but totally wont stay in these bad habits forever. A change is happening deep beneath these bones.
Please pray for
`the students in J.G.
`Leaders/staff members
`Income to keep coming in
`and more lives be changed through Gods spirit
Thanks Love you. Keep seeking God its all worth it!
Dear Family
J.G. is going SO great. Teens lives are being healed, perspective of God, Jesus, Holy Spirit are being changed, dedication to God is beginning to develop more! Its awesome, good things are happening.
I am being inspired to be more for Jesus and after him in new ways. I have noticed a lot of envy and jealousy in my thoughts and emotions which lead me to do hurtful things to others, I have been asking God to change these things, he has slowly been doing it. Its awesome, still a mess but totally wont stay in these bad habits forever. A change is happening deep beneath these bones.
Please pray for
`the students in J.G.
`Leaders/staff members
`Income to keep coming in
`and more lives be changed through Gods spirit
Thanks Love you. Keep seeking God its all worth it!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Dear Family,
Presently, I am sick.
These last few days I have been learning dances for J.G. I am working on wordless books and other small thing for J.G.
Just this last Wednesday I went out to talk with people, pray for them, and tell them about Jesus' radical love. It was awesome! I was alone so sharing, praying for people felt more natural.
I just recently gave a lot of my DVDs to the library, I have been asking if these movies I have would benefit more in a public place then in my house and I decided-yes, it would benefit more people.
I am room mates with a guy named Matthew, he is not much like me in many ways which annoys me. I am grate full to be living with him because life is not about living for your self but for others, this moment in life is a opportunity for God to be glorified by a friendship built on Him.
Aaron Cip and I cooked cookies for our neighbors to build relationships with them. I am excited to get to know them and hopefully be good neighbors with them.
I am praying for J.G.
I am praying for my heart because I am realizing my sin in new ways that aren't pleasing to God. My lack of mercy on people, my jealousy of what others have and I have not, my lack of involvement in peoples lives which is my laziness.
All these things are changing because of the Love of God, I think Jesus has given me a social gift. When i do not flow in it I become a unhappy person. I am a sinner so do not be surprise when I write about junk in my life. By the grace of God we are called and saved, thank God because I am unworthy to be a missionary yet worthy because of Gods kindness. He is awesome.
Things I am rejoicing about, Aaron Reeves is investing in his musical talents. Lucas is my great friend in boston. Cornerstone is my home church! My roommate is Matthew, Joe is Joe. Showbread has gotten their goal for finances, YWAM Boston just got a new camera! We have Koreans on our team. The dance team has good moves for our hip hop dance. We just had a amazing team from N.H. come and evangelize with us.
Good things are happening amongst us. I am grate full for these things.
Presently, I am sick.
These last few days I have been learning dances for J.G. I am working on wordless books and other small thing for J.G.
Just this last Wednesday I went out to talk with people, pray for them, and tell them about Jesus' radical love. It was awesome! I was alone so sharing, praying for people felt more natural.
I just recently gave a lot of my DVDs to the library, I have been asking if these movies I have would benefit more in a public place then in my house and I decided-yes, it would benefit more people.
I am room mates with a guy named Matthew, he is not much like me in many ways which annoys me. I am grate full to be living with him because life is not about living for your self but for others, this moment in life is a opportunity for God to be glorified by a friendship built on Him.
Aaron Cip and I cooked cookies for our neighbors to build relationships with them. I am excited to get to know them and hopefully be good neighbors with them.
I am praying for J.G.
I am praying for my heart because I am realizing my sin in new ways that aren't pleasing to God. My lack of mercy on people, my jealousy of what others have and I have not, my lack of involvement in peoples lives which is my laziness.
All these things are changing because of the Love of God, I think Jesus has given me a social gift. When i do not flow in it I become a unhappy person. I am a sinner so do not be surprise when I write about junk in my life. By the grace of God we are called and saved, thank God because I am unworthy to be a missionary yet worthy because of Gods kindness. He is awesome.
Things I am rejoicing about, Aaron Reeves is investing in his musical talents. Lucas is my great friend in boston. Cornerstone is my home church! My roommate is Matthew, Joe is Joe. Showbread has gotten their goal for finances, YWAM Boston just got a new camera! We have Koreans on our team. The dance team has good moves for our hip hop dance. We just had a amazing team from N.H. come and evangelize with us.
Good things are happening amongst us. I am grate full for these things.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
I forgot to tell you that I am making journals that are REVOLUTIONARY!.... No, not really revolutionary but different. If you want one, please let me know and I will make one for you.
Soon I will post an image..... by soon I mean in two weeks...maybe four.
Thanks for reading. I will try to keep updating this blog space.
Soon I will post an image..... by soon I mean in two weeks...maybe four.
Thanks for reading. I will try to keep updating this blog space.
TIME TIME TIME is running thin?
Joshua Generation: New England
I have less than a month till Joshua Generation will begin. I am excited to see what God will do and how He will move through New England. We are going to Vermont which is one of the least reached states. I recently went to the Church in Vermont that we are going to work with, as I was praying and worshiping God my thoughts were filled with hopes for Vermont. Pray for this state.
Dates June 28 -July
I just found out that J.G. England is free for me so that is great!
Joshua Generation: Brazil changed to Joshua Generation: Iceland.
The doors for Brazil have closed but luckily YWAM Pittsburgh is taking their Joshua Generation team to Iceland and has welcomingly invited YWAM Boston to join them. It is an exciting event: both bases have been wanting to join forces to reach out to people.
Dates July 26-August 14 Cost$1,500
I am not sure if I will be financially secure for J.G. Iceland, please consider helping me.
My heart is ready for this great adventure!
Thank you for your help already, if you are helping me already!
If your not please think about helping me.
You all ROCK!!!!
I have less than a month till Joshua Generation will begin. I am excited to see what God will do and how He will move through New England. We are going to Vermont which is one of the least reached states. I recently went to the Church in Vermont that we are going to work with, as I was praying and worshiping God my thoughts were filled with hopes for Vermont. Pray for this state.
Dates June 28 -July
I just found out that J.G. England is free for me so that is great!
Joshua Generation: Brazil changed to Joshua Generation: Iceland.
The doors for Brazil have closed but luckily YWAM Pittsburgh is taking their Joshua Generation team to Iceland and has welcomingly invited YWAM Boston to join them. It is an exciting event: both bases have been wanting to join forces to reach out to people.
Dates July 26-August 14 Cost$1,500
I am not sure if I will be financially secure for J.G. Iceland, please consider helping me.
My heart is ready for this great adventure!
Thank you for your help already, if you are helping me already!
If your not please think about helping me.
You all ROCK!!!!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Dear Family
It has been a while since I have written to you all.
I am on the road and things are going quick! I have a few minutes to write as well!
Things are good. I am trying to keep my attention on Jesus as much as possible, it not easy! Really everyday is work and there is not anytime for "I" but it is always "all of us". Doesn't really bother me but I do like time to myself. I am thinking up a lot of art projects and would like to start quickly working on some new art pieces as soon as I get back. Awe it will be great!
Presently I am watching The Sandlot! it is great! I am watching a tone of movies and the makings of the films and its growing my understanding of art and film. I appreciate it!
OK, Look at 1 John and Romans 5-8.....and 1 Thessalonians. I am meditating and thinking on these few letters at the moment.
Pray for me! Pray for my team! Donate if you can too! I still and will always need help financially.
Thank you.
Love you all.
It has been a while since I have written to you all.
I am on the road and things are going quick! I have a few minutes to write as well!
Things are good. I am trying to keep my attention on Jesus as much as possible, it not easy! Really everyday is work and there is not anytime for "I" but it is always "all of us". Doesn't really bother me but I do like time to myself. I am thinking up a lot of art projects and would like to start quickly working on some new art pieces as soon as I get back. Awe it will be great!
Presently I am watching The Sandlot! it is great! I am watching a tone of movies and the makings of the films and its growing my understanding of art and film. I appreciate it!
OK, Look at 1 John and Romans 5-8.....and 1 Thessalonians. I am meditating and thinking on these few letters at the moment.
Pray for me! Pray for my team! Donate if you can too! I still and will always need help financially.
Thank you.
Love you all.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Dear Family,
God is very Kind to receive and provide for a sinner like me. This encourages me to write He will do the same for you anytime too.
Stories of His faithfulness.
I am on a new fast, where I will not spend money on anything. No food, transportation, art, nothing! With this I have seen Gods hand provide in sincere ways.
I am all out of food and I got to do a show at a church. We finish the show and to my amazement after church they have a lot of food donated to them from supermarkets which provided my food for the next few weeks.
A friend and I decided to go to Bostons Museum of Fine Arts while we were going five dollars rolled right before our path. We picked it up praising God for his provision in the ride to the Museum. We get off the bus and begin to walk and we both ask/say "how will God provide this time?". A man who is homeless is sitting begging for money and I had a sense that God told me to ask him for some change and He will pay him back 10 fold. I did it and the man said "sure, here take more money!" so he gave us 5 quarters. He was a generous man.
Yeah, God is very kind and there is more that he has done.
I love you all and you inspire me and I hope and am sure these will encourage you, give you hope, faith, and love for God and man.
OK please be praying for this team as we are soon leaving on tour.
THank you for reading.
God is very Kind to receive and provide for a sinner like me. This encourages me to write He will do the same for you anytime too.
Stories of His faithfulness.
I am on a new fast, where I will not spend money on anything. No food, transportation, art, nothing! With this I have seen Gods hand provide in sincere ways.
I am all out of food and I got to do a show at a church. We finish the show and to my amazement after church they have a lot of food donated to them from supermarkets which provided my food for the next few weeks.
A friend and I decided to go to Bostons Museum of Fine Arts while we were going five dollars rolled right before our path. We picked it up praising God for his provision in the ride to the Museum. We get off the bus and begin to walk and we both ask/say "how will God provide this time?". A man who is homeless is sitting begging for money and I had a sense that God told me to ask him for some change and He will pay him back 10 fold. I did it and the man said "sure, here take more money!" so he gave us 5 quarters. He was a generous man.
Yeah, God is very kind and there is more that he has done.
I love you all and you inspire me and I hope and am sure these will encourage you, give you hope, faith, and love for God and man.
OK please be praying for this team as we are soon leaving on tour.
THank you for reading.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Dear Family,
I wish not to sell this but I must.
This art work is based on the Gospel of Matthew. Within Matthew there is a lot about living in Mercy towards others in your life, caring for them as a human being. Then there are parts when men are taken back by the humanity of Jesus and the glory of God that is being released from him. I was meditating on this how Jesus must look like all common men but underneath it all he is divinity. Which is where these rocks come from in this art piece on the out side they are stones but on the inside is life and you can find it if you dig.
Songs that helped the inspiration
Underoath -Desolate Earth... The End Is Here
Jon Foreman -Your Love is Strong (specific line "The kingdom of the heavens, is buried treasure")
I am starting the art piece at 100$
Its big and has a lot of acrylic paint on it.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Dear Family.
I am going out today to perform Encounter. It should go well.
I am going to write about a friend of mine, Heidy.
Heidy is a co-worker at YWAM, she works hard and has a heart to reach people who are at the end of themselves. Presently she is having some financial difficulties so I am asking if you could help her with some finances. She needs some income by Monday, please get in contact with me before or just donate at ywamboston.org.
Thank you for reading.
I am going out today to perform Encounter. It should go well.
I am going to write about a friend of mine, Heidy.
Heidy is a co-worker at YWAM, she works hard and has a heart to reach people who are at the end of themselves. Presently she is having some financial difficulties so I am asking if you could help her with some finances. She needs some income by Monday, please get in contact with me before or just donate at ywamboston.org.
Thank you for reading.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
News Letter because I went green for a moment.
Dear Family
At this moment I am going green and not using paper for a news letter. Please for give me for the inconvenience if it is for you.
Update: Things are the same at them moment with YWAM. We are getting ready for our tour down the east coast. Please pray for our unity, impact lives with the Love of God, and protection.
I would like not to write about YWAM at this moment but about my life before and the things that influenced me to be who I am today.I would like you to know me better and not just support me. SO HERE WE GO, memory lane!
My Fathers Influence:
Through the years I was growing up, some nights out of the month my Dad would sit beside my brothers and I at night massaging the temples on our heads and praying for each of us individually. Asking God to protect us, keep us on a good path and all that jazz.
I think his prayers have been and are still being answered in my life. In my present life these memories help me, while I am in bed beginning to fall asleep I think of these moments to silence my thoughts. At moments I even massage my brothers and pray for them here in Boston (may sound strange but its not).
I know that my prayers have been influenced by my Dads prayers and seeking the presence of God.
Mamas' Mercy:
One day I stole 20$ from my Grandma. My Grandma realize 20 dollars were missing, she then asked my Mom about it, my Mom then asked my brothers and I about it, she quickly picked up on it being me who stole the 20$. She slapped me, gave the 20$ back to Grandmother and that Sunday morning we went to breakfast. Oh I was embarrassed and feeling sorry for myself at that breakfast table.
My brothers noticed a blanket sell across the street and we went to check it out. Mama told the three of us we each could get a blanket for ourselves. I refused mine, she asked why? I told her I don't deserve it after stealing, she then told me "Jordan don't be silly, get a blanket, I love you". I almost cried because I wanted the blanket, also because of my mothers mercy.
Presently I feel like I can have a lot of mercy on others because of many many moments like this in my life. Its good, very Christ like.
Okay, I am done telling stories for now.
Thank you for reading and supporting me. Above all thank you for being my friends and family! I love you all.
(Sorry for the grammar, I am not very good at it)
At this moment I am going green and not using paper for a news letter. Please for give me for the inconvenience if it is for you.
Update: Things are the same at them moment with YWAM. We are getting ready for our tour down the east coast. Please pray for our unity, impact lives with the Love of God, and protection.
I would like not to write about YWAM at this moment but about my life before and the things that influenced me to be who I am today.I would like you to know me better and not just support me. SO HERE WE GO, memory lane!
My Fathers Influence:
Through the years I was growing up, some nights out of the month my Dad would sit beside my brothers and I at night massaging the temples on our heads and praying for each of us individually. Asking God to protect us, keep us on a good path and all that jazz.
I think his prayers have been and are still being answered in my life. In my present life these memories help me, while I am in bed beginning to fall asleep I think of these moments to silence my thoughts. At moments I even massage my brothers and pray for them here in Boston (may sound strange but its not).
I know that my prayers have been influenced by my Dads prayers and seeking the presence of God.
Mamas' Mercy:
One day I stole 20$ from my Grandma. My Grandma realize 20 dollars were missing, she then asked my Mom about it, my Mom then asked my brothers and I about it, she quickly picked up on it being me who stole the 20$. She slapped me, gave the 20$ back to Grandmother and that Sunday morning we went to breakfast. Oh I was embarrassed and feeling sorry for myself at that breakfast table.
My brothers noticed a blanket sell across the street and we went to check it out. Mama told the three of us we each could get a blanket for ourselves. I refused mine, she asked why? I told her I don't deserve it after stealing, she then told me "Jordan don't be silly, get a blanket, I love you". I almost cried because I wanted the blanket, also because of my mothers mercy.
Presently I feel like I can have a lot of mercy on others because of many many moments like this in my life. Its good, very Christ like.
Okay, I am done telling stories for now.
Thank you for reading and supporting me. Above all thank you for being my friends and family! I love you all.
(Sorry for the grammar, I am not very good at it)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
Dear Family
Soon I will be on the road with my friends to preform "Encounter". I am hoping and praying people Encounter God in such a tangible way that their lives lead a way that can only be summed by following God.
I am gate full to be going on this tour and seeing what God will do.
Please be praying for the people we will meet and talk to.
Pray this production be no ordinary show.
Pray that our lives be messed up too by going after Gods heart. (We are sinners too and still need repentance)
I want to see a change in my heart and in the hearts around me. Prejudice, malice, hurt, be exchanged for understanding, peace, healing in all of the soul.
Yup, I am sick of our societies way and still trying to learn of ways to turn against it.
There are more things I would write but I am still struggling through these thoughts and ways to live that are truly ways of Christ.
I am not looking for perfection but love. Love for my enemies, my friends, my God, then for myself.
Gooood day mates!
Soon I will be on the road with my friends to preform "Encounter". I am hoping and praying people Encounter God in such a tangible way that their lives lead a way that can only be summed by following God.
I am gate full to be going on this tour and seeing what God will do.
Please be praying for the people we will meet and talk to.
Pray this production be no ordinary show.
Pray that our lives be messed up too by going after Gods heart. (We are sinners too and still need repentance)
I want to see a change in my heart and in the hearts around me. Prejudice, malice, hurt, be exchanged for understanding, peace, healing in all of the soul.
Yup, I am sick of our societies way and still trying to learn of ways to turn against it.
There are more things I would write but I am still struggling through these thoughts and ways to live that are truly ways of Christ.
I am not looking for perfection but love. Love for my enemies, my friends, my God, then for myself.
Gooood day mates!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Dear Family,
I am really tired, I haven't been sleeping because of being busy.
This week at Harvard, Campus america came together for the first time in a long time to pray on campus for Harvard and colleges in america. It was awesome to be there and see people come together to put attention on God.
Encounter might be going to Harvard to be preformed. Be praying and hope for God to move.
I am unable to do art recently to music but rather I HAVE to do art to listening to the Bible.
I have to go.
Thank you for reading!
I am really tired, I haven't been sleeping because of being busy.
This week at Harvard, Campus america came together for the first time in a long time to pray on campus for Harvard and colleges in america. It was awesome to be there and see people come together to put attention on God.
Encounter might be going to Harvard to be preformed. Be praying and hope for God to move.
I am unable to do art recently to music but rather I HAVE to do art to listening to the Bible.
I have to go.
Thank you for reading!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Dear Family
Here is some art that I have finished and one art piece is still being worked on which is the one with the black rocks.

A lantern light, this shines brightly for me to see in my room and read. I made two of these lantern lights. Bought a few pieces for the light to work and scrapped off the paint that was on the lantern.

Yep, sin is every where. we are stuck. This art piece I did over New Years, it has a thick cover of acrylic paint.

Paint brush holder! I made this on my own with old jeans and string. My friend Katie taught me how to sow, with this amazing talent now I sow!


This one is not finished yet! Soon hopefully! It is inspired by Mathew and has a theme about Mercy and seeking Gods treasure. I will write more about it later.
Enjoy this little bit of art and yeah I love you all.
I am praying for you all. That your art, music, typing on computers, acting, travels, studying (school work) is blessed by God and is a blessing to God.
I love, love, love U!
Here is some art that I have finished and one art piece is still being worked on which is the one with the black rocks.

A lantern light, this shines brightly for me to see in my room and read. I made two of these lantern lights. Bought a few pieces for the light to work and scrapped off the paint that was on the lantern.

Yep, sin is every where. we are stuck. This art piece I did over New Years, it has a thick cover of acrylic paint.
Paint brush holder! I made this on my own with old jeans and string. My friend Katie taught me how to sow, with this amazing talent now I sow!
This one is not finished yet! Soon hopefully! It is inspired by Mathew and has a theme about Mercy and seeking Gods treasure. I will write more about it later.
Enjoy this little bit of art and yeah I love you all.
I am praying for you all. That your art, music, typing on computers, acting, travels, studying (school work) is blessed by God and is a blessing to God.
I love, love, love U!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Dear Family,
I am thinking about the term "good" and when I respond what "good" entails because when I response to "how are you?" I respond "good" then go into what I am doing but what I am doing is not who I am or thinking/feeling inside, so how can I expound one the word "good"? what do I mean when I say "good"? The definition to "Good" is cheerful; optimistic; amiable: in good spirits. This is what I mean when I say good from now on. I am glad I got that out of my brain for you to read.
Today was a radical day, very difficult but over all benefiting. I was tested today and I see my growth. Today we preformed Encounter in front of a Christian School in N.H. and well setting up things were missing, a friend and I were working on putting up some very difficult screens.
I am quiet a lot of the time, sometimes being quiet might make a person seem unsure of thing, nervous or dumb. With that, from my experience of being a quiet person, people in-charge seem to over look you, think your incapable of directing others, strict and firm all that that is in a "leader/director".
I felt and feel like that a lot of the time when we are going some where or doing something, men that have a different personality then I take charge and over look me with an idea that I do not know what is going on. I get annoyed and start wishing I was some one that could help, be of use. Having a relational personality, when I see people gather together, work together, have relationship I get kinda jealous because I would like to have a connection with others in that same meaningful way. (I know, I am probably lame, my mind works this way)
Anyway, today when all the usual procedures happened and I felt useless I began to think "Jordan, this is not about you this is about the glory of God and at the end of it all this will be over looked so focus. Move on."
I am excited and grate full to be in a place of less self-pity, insecurity, and all that stuff that stops me from going on with my day. I had to fight to look past myself, live in mercy, forgiveness, WAS NOT EASY but I FOUGHT.
I want you to know a human being can change. The definition of humanity can be redefined by God. Once a humanity is touched/moved by God then its unknown to where we will be headed or what our lives entail but at least we are moving towards God.
Thank you for reading.
My love for you is true!
I am thinking about the term "good" and when I respond what "good" entails because when I response to "how are you?" I respond "good" then go into what I am doing but what I am doing is not who I am or thinking/feeling inside, so how can I expound one the word "good"? what do I mean when I say "good"? The definition to "Good" is cheerful; optimistic; amiable: in good spirits. This is what I mean when I say good from now on. I am glad I got that out of my brain for you to read.
Today was a radical day, very difficult but over all benefiting. I was tested today and I see my growth. Today we preformed Encounter in front of a Christian School in N.H. and well setting up things were missing, a friend and I were working on putting up some very difficult screens.
I am quiet a lot of the time, sometimes being quiet might make a person seem unsure of thing, nervous or dumb. With that, from my experience of being a quiet person, people in-charge seem to over look you, think your incapable of directing others, strict and firm all that that is in a "leader/director".
I felt and feel like that a lot of the time when we are going some where or doing something, men that have a different personality then I take charge and over look me with an idea that I do not know what is going on. I get annoyed and start wishing I was some one that could help, be of use. Having a relational personality, when I see people gather together, work together, have relationship I get kinda jealous because I would like to have a connection with others in that same meaningful way. (I know, I am probably lame, my mind works this way)
Anyway, today when all the usual procedures happened and I felt useless I began to think "Jordan, this is not about you this is about the glory of God and at the end of it all this will be over looked so focus. Move on."
I am excited and grate full to be in a place of less self-pity, insecurity, and all that stuff that stops me from going on with my day. I had to fight to look past myself, live in mercy, forgiveness, WAS NOT EASY but I FOUGHT.
I want you to know a human being can change. The definition of humanity can be redefined by God. Once a humanity is touched/moved by God then its unknown to where we will be headed or what our lives entail but at least we are moving towards God.
Thank you for reading.
My love for you is true!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
My Dearest Family,
I have plenty of good news!
A great friend (Aaron Reeves) is back in Boston. He left for a financial recovery, running into all kinds of friends to ask for donations. He came back with a very encouraged heart and a few new supports and still some that ponder to help him. Please pray for my buddy.
I am currently learning guitar and its coming out very well. I know about 10 chords and learning a strum pattern that is basic enough to go into all strums. I am so excited, for some odd reason when I play I just get really excited and eager to keep learning so I can play songs for people I love. I cant wait to see my Dad and play with him guitar!
I am still painting a big image that takes a lot of dedication..... please pray it gets done.
Yep, today was a great day for many reasons.
Be encouraged God is moving!
I have plenty of good news!
A great friend (Aaron Reeves) is back in Boston. He left for a financial recovery, running into all kinds of friends to ask for donations. He came back with a very encouraged heart and a few new supports and still some that ponder to help him. Please pray for my buddy.
I am currently learning guitar and its coming out very well. I know about 10 chords and learning a strum pattern that is basic enough to go into all strums. I am so excited, for some odd reason when I play I just get really excited and eager to keep learning so I can play songs for people I love. I cant wait to see my Dad and play with him guitar!
I am still painting a big image that takes a lot of dedication..... please pray it gets done.
Yep, today was a great day for many reasons.
Be encouraged God is moving!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Dear Family,
I am currently sitting down watching one of the greatest movies ever "the Rescuers Down Under." It is quiet the movie!
Today, I wrote some letters to my supporters (so expect something), I also painted a lot. Awe this painting is really something, its big, with brilliant colors.
Yep. Nothing, really interesting happened today. I just lived....
I am learning the guitar! I am practicing once again, we'll see where this goes.
Ok, Have a good time, DO YOUR THING!
I am currently sitting down watching one of the greatest movies ever "the Rescuers Down Under." It is quiet the movie!
Today, I wrote some letters to my supporters (so expect something), I also painted a lot. Awe this painting is really something, its big, with brilliant colors.
Yep. Nothing, really interesting happened today. I just lived....
I am learning the guitar! I am practicing once again, we'll see where this goes.
Ok, Have a good time, DO YOUR THING!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Dear Family,
Things are going great.
I have finished three art pieces which I will try to post soon. I am meeting people and recently I went out to give clothes to the homeless people in Boston. I went sledding which was a lot of fun! I have met people this week and spoke with many of them about God, Jesus, this life and who are we living for, it was a good week. Full of new things and accomplishments.
I have not been able to write because I do not have computer access much. I will try to keep up new post this week. Great things are happening! God is moving and we are apart of it.
Things are going great.
I have finished three art pieces which I will try to post soon. I am meeting people and recently I went out to give clothes to the homeless people in Boston. I went sledding which was a lot of fun! I have met people this week and spoke with many of them about God, Jesus, this life and who are we living for, it was a good week. Full of new things and accomplishments.
I have not been able to write because I do not have computer access much. I will try to keep up new post this week. Great things are happening! God is moving and we are apart of it.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Dear Family,
A lot has happen in these last few weeks that I do not know if I could write it all here. My life has had awesome victories then great slaps in the face by events.
I am going to write about the victories because I really think the victories are to bring freedom to my mind and heart when the slaps are things to make me angry, unforgiving and bitter but enough with those three things, I want love!
I think God is changing my heart a lot and many think I am crazy and spiritually dual but I am beginning to think maybe I am not. I maybe just in the right mind set and really allowing God to change something big in my life again. I find following God so exciting again and fun, freeing because I am hitting the rock bottom of myself to find myself at the feet of God.
1. I gave up music for 10 days to allow God to speak to me without that noise. I instead put the bible on my ipod to listen when ever and where ever. Awe, it was so great. For 5 days I had a head ache and felt sick because of the lack of music in my life yet in all this time I knew my understanding of scripture and Gods movement in the hearts of his people looked, meant, then how I should act and view myself and others-these things grew deeper in my mind. I listened to the whole New Testament and was deeply encouraged by Yeshua.
I am not easily swayed by music now, my thoughts and emotions are centered rather then moving with the song playing on the ipod. I am free from the music and able to focus. I have allowed music to control me to self-pity and I am embarrassed/ashamed to admit it. No, I do not think its the musicians and their message but rather ME. I am responsible to have self control which God is developing in me more of.
(BACKSTORY to why i also gave up music....I dislike all music at the moment, nothing says anything that I really like or support, nor how I would have expressed the words and thoughts in my mind so I am really really bored with much music. Truly only the Lord speaks the words I want to hear, agree with and also want to speak.)
2. Lust, I have been dealing with sexual desires a lot recently, at the beginning of 2010 I made a new year resolution that would be for life to not lust and have more self control this year mentally and physically then last year. These last Thursday, I realized I am in self control of my thoughts towards people around me and I do not want to think sexually toward anyone around me or have imaginations running through my mind in morning or night. I have self control over my self more now then in the past which I think is only from God because true maturity comes from God, only good things come from God and I am receiving words from God. I am not dwelling on humanity but God.
(Matt19:8-12) 8Jesus replied, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery."
10The disciples said to him, "If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry."
11Jesus replied, "Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. 12For some are eunuchs because they were born that way; others were made that way by men;and others have renounced marriage[c]because of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.
I am questioning, should I accept this once again? Do I burn with lust so much to be married or can I renounce it to just be dedicated to God? Be praying for my in this area because most time I dont know what I want to be with some one or without some one? Its all so crazy and both look so good....
3. Last night I began to pack up comics, clothes and books that I do not need. I am going to sell them so I can give to the tour I will soon be going on. I also want to have freedom to go from here to there to anywhere God calls. I want to live simply so I can simply live.
4. Revelations, Matthew, Hebrews are my favorite books/letters at the moment in my life to listen. I am deeply encouraged and am beginning to really grasp generally every day what I am to do as a follower of Jesus. So far it is to love Jesus and continue to live beside him, continue to speak of his greatness and how he has inspired me to leave my filthy ways, my values become valueless compared to his love, to his message. I am standing and will until the end (hopefully)and justified by faith in Jesus.
Yeah, I am unafraid to love. I hope this makes sense and is encouraging to you. Keep following Jesus and stay strong in all things.
Hebrews 11-12:1-11, Matthew 9:13, Revelations 7:17, 17:13-14, 19:1-9, 22:21
If you want what I am meditating on and how I am living.
Reve: 22:21
A lot has happen in these last few weeks that I do not know if I could write it all here. My life has had awesome victories then great slaps in the face by events.
I am going to write about the victories because I really think the victories are to bring freedom to my mind and heart when the slaps are things to make me angry, unforgiving and bitter but enough with those three things, I want love!
I think God is changing my heart a lot and many think I am crazy and spiritually dual but I am beginning to think maybe I am not. I maybe just in the right mind set and really allowing God to change something big in my life again. I find following God so exciting again and fun, freeing because I am hitting the rock bottom of myself to find myself at the feet of God.
1. I gave up music for 10 days to allow God to speak to me without that noise. I instead put the bible on my ipod to listen when ever and where ever. Awe, it was so great. For 5 days I had a head ache and felt sick because of the lack of music in my life yet in all this time I knew my understanding of scripture and Gods movement in the hearts of his people looked, meant, then how I should act and view myself and others-these things grew deeper in my mind. I listened to the whole New Testament and was deeply encouraged by Yeshua.
I am not easily swayed by music now, my thoughts and emotions are centered rather then moving with the song playing on the ipod. I am free from the music and able to focus. I have allowed music to control me to self-pity and I am embarrassed/ashamed to admit it. No, I do not think its the musicians and their message but rather ME. I am responsible to have self control which God is developing in me more of.
(BACKSTORY to why i also gave up music....I dislike all music at the moment, nothing says anything that I really like or support, nor how I would have expressed the words and thoughts in my mind so I am really really bored with much music. Truly only the Lord speaks the words I want to hear, agree with and also want to speak.)
2. Lust, I have been dealing with sexual desires a lot recently, at the beginning of 2010 I made a new year resolution that would be for life to not lust and have more self control this year mentally and physically then last year. These last Thursday, I realized I am in self control of my thoughts towards people around me and I do not want to think sexually toward anyone around me or have imaginations running through my mind in morning or night. I have self control over my self more now then in the past which I think is only from God because true maturity comes from God, only good things come from God and I am receiving words from God. I am not dwelling on humanity but God.
(Matt19:8-12) 8Jesus replied, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery."
10The disciples said to him, "If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry."
11Jesus replied, "Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. 12For some are eunuchs because they were born that way; others were made that way by men;and others have renounced marriage[c]because of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.
I am questioning, should I accept this once again? Do I burn with lust so much to be married or can I renounce it to just be dedicated to God? Be praying for my in this area because most time I dont know what I want to be with some one or without some one? Its all so crazy and both look so good....
3. Last night I began to pack up comics, clothes and books that I do not need. I am going to sell them so I can give to the tour I will soon be going on. I also want to have freedom to go from here to there to anywhere God calls. I want to live simply so I can simply live.
4. Revelations, Matthew, Hebrews are my favorite books/letters at the moment in my life to listen. I am deeply encouraged and am beginning to really grasp generally every day what I am to do as a follower of Jesus. So far it is to love Jesus and continue to live beside him, continue to speak of his greatness and how he has inspired me to leave my filthy ways, my values become valueless compared to his love, to his message. I am standing and will until the end (hopefully)and justified by faith in Jesus.
Yeah, I am unafraid to love. I hope this makes sense and is encouraging to you. Keep following Jesus and stay strong in all things.
Hebrews 11-12:1-11, Matthew 9:13, Revelations 7:17, 17:13-14, 19:1-9, 22:21
If you want what I am meditating on and how I am living.
Reve: 22:21
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dear Family,
I am evaluating this years needs. I would like to push art so much further this year. I would like to begin to do wall size paintings. Joshua Generation is going around New England once again this year but that is not all, we are going to Brazil! Staff fees are always here and have not risen in price, thankfully.
These are jars that are going to hold the donations that are coming in. I will go through each one now.

Recently, I have not been just painting but also film and acting. I love movies! I recently found out independent films are what pushed main stream film to the standard they are now. This was in the 70's.
When I studied this, it gave me much hope to begin filming. To just go for it! I have been watching commentaries of films and realized my team and I can make films. We can change the world with our mini films. I would like to go in this direction with some art.
Painting it self, I would like to begin painting wall size images. Based on theology, the movement of God that I am seeing and still surprised by.
I am dreaming BIG! Please dream with me.

Joshua Generation costs at most 250$ and is from July 1-18
This year its New England again, but that is not all! A small team from Joshua Generation will be going to Brazil for awhile after. All of YWAM Boston staff and a small team from Boston will be going to Brazil.
The cost for this mission trip is still up in the air but at most will be 3,000 for plane ticket, food, materials to bring.
The dates are July 23-August 12.
I have one person who will be donating to this once a month but I need more help in raising the money. Please consider it, pray about joining me in this journey.

Tithing is important for me so I do donate to my Boston Church, to ministries I see being used greatly by God, and even my own fellow staff members.
I am also going to begin inviting my neighbors over for dinners so the food money will be going to dinners for 5 people at moments.
This is all of my needs, my dreams, goals for the year. I need your help. I would like to see the Kingdom of God advance, I would like you to be apart of it by praying and/or donating.
Prayer moves mountains, changes governments, mind sets for the glory of God. If God has blessed you with the gift of prayer, then pray for this ministry day and night.
If you have resources, good in finances, please consider donating to this ministry God has in Boston and bring forth from YWAM Boston and I. If you want to know more, please contact me. Lets talk.
Its not just finances, if you work at Starbucks and get free coffee, donate the free coffee so we can save money and use it on other things. Art supplies, old clothes for costumes, film, cameras that you don't use any more. I use trash for art pieces, I do not mind using yours. : )
Please look at your resources because they can be used for the movement of God here in Boston.
Thank you for reading, I am excited about this! I want to see God move, change lives for a lifetime into eternity. I am not perfect and may mess up at moments but I will learn.
I love you.
contact- j.esquivel1112@gmail.com
phone # 626-215-4960
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